Learning Activity

The Learning Activity page displays the history and status of all content you have started.

If you open a course but do not play any videos or access any of its resources, it is not considered started and does not show on your activity page.

Access the Learning Activity page

  1. From the left navigation bar, select My Learning.
  2. From the My Learning page, choose Learning Activity .
  3. You should see the tabs:

Tabs on My Learning page

Activity Data

Within each activity page you see a table of data. For each table, you can:

  • Sort on each column heading to order the data so that it makes the most sense for you.
  • Download CSV to get your learning activity in a CSV file that you can share with your manager during a performance review. Columns that detail your time spent learning are included in the CSV. Learning time is only available for items launched on or after January 1, 2023 .

    For NASBA CPE and PMI PDUcourses, the CSV includes the number of credits you can earn for the course.

    Note: For NASBA CPE courses, if you haven't met all completion criteria within the required timeframe of one year from the course start date, the Started column in the CSV download will display Ineligible to indicate that the course is no longer eligible for credits.
  • Access the Actions menu actions menu icon, gray elipse to share the item with colleagues, add it to your playlist, view details, and view completion certificates.

The table columns on each of the pages include the following:

  • Title: Select the name to open the content.
    • Selecting an Aspire Journey title takes you to the Journey track page.
    • Selecting a NASBA CPE and PMI PDU titles takes you to the course.
  • Type: The type of asset (see Working with Content for a detailed list of content assets).
  • Status: The current status of the content asset.
    • Started: There is progress for the content, based on the completion criteria.
    • Restarted: If you restarted a course, you see this status until you complete the new instance of the course. You also see a separate row within your activity for the same course with a status of Completed.
    • Completed: The completion criteria for the item has been met or your administrator granted you a completion. See Complete your Content for details about each item type's specific completion criteria.
    • Retired: The content is retired and is no longer accessible within Percipio.
  • Started: The date you first accessed the content, or if you didn't access the item, but were granted a completion, the date the completion was granted.
  • Completed: The date you completed the content, based on the defined completion criteria, or if you didn't access the item, but were granted a completion, the date the completion was granted.
  • Highest Score: The highest score you achieved on a course test. This does not apply for journeys or imported data. You may not see a score if you were granted a completion by an administrator.

actions menu icon, gray elipse Actions: Use the options under this menu to:

  • View details: provides details of the completion, including whether an admin granted a completion as an override or waiver.
  • Mark as completed: displays for custom content items that an admin configured with the learner marks it as complete.
  • How long did this take?: For items that do not track how long you spend in them, you can specify how much time you spent learning so it can be tracked in reports and against your learning goal.
  • Completion requirements: displays only after you select NASBA CPE or PMI PDU from the left navigation. A pop up shows the requirements you need to meet to achieve completion, and if it is a NASBA sanctioned course, it contains a link to provide feedback.
    Note: If an admin granted you a completion, you are not eligible for NASBA CPE or PMI PDU credits, unless you go to the course and watch all the videos and take the assessment.
  • Share: displays a pop up allowing you to share the item with another at your company.
  • Save for later: adds the item to your Saved for later playlist.
  • Playlist add/remove: If enabled for your site, allows you to add this item to a specific playlist that you created.
  • Learn together: If enabled on your site, allows you to collaborate and Learn together. You invite others to review the content and discuss it so everyone can increase their knowledge and skills in a supportive environment.
  • Schedule learning time: Allows you to configure and send calendar invitations containing links to the content so you can make time for learning in your busy schedule. For more information, see Schedule learning time.
  • Download certificate: downloads the completion certificate if you completed the item and if the item is eligible for a completion certificate. If the content is waived, you do not see this option because waived content does not earn a completion certificate. Skillsoft offers four different certificates if the item is eligible.
    • From the main Learning Activity page, you see your company branded or generic completion certificate.
    • From the main Learning Activity page, if it is Skillsoft Compliance course, you see the Compliance certificate.
    • From the NASBE CPE page, you see a specific NASBA CPE certificate
    • From the PMI PDU page, you see a specific PMI PDU certificate
  • If you need to see your time spent learning, download the CSV version of this table. Learning time is only available for items launched on or after January 1, 2023.

    In the CSV file you find three additional columns. Use the column sum feature in your spreadsheet tool to get your total learning time for all content items.

    • Time in Video (HHMMSS): This column shows the time spent learning in a video if you launched that video in the video only player. The format is in HHMMSS. This column will not show data if the video was launched from within a course.
    • Learning Hours (HHMMSS): This column shows how much time you spent learning in a particular content item in the format of HHMMSS.
    • Learning Hours (Hours): This column shows how much time you spent learning in a particular content item in a decimal format of hours and fraction of hours.

External Learning page

If enabled for your site, you see an External Learning page. This list shows learning activity you completed outside of Percipio. You can see items you entered or those imported by a site administrator from another LMS.

You can add items at your discretion. For example, you may add articles you read, courses you took, conferences you attended, or certifications you achieved. Percipio admins can report on learning you add to this list.

Note: You can view external learning items from the mobile app, but you can only add them from Percipio for the web.

From this page, you can:

  • Add External learning: Specify required details like title, type, end date, and time spent learning to capture any learning that you did outside Percipio.
  • Download CSV: Download a CSV file to share with your manager during a review. Columns that detail your time spent learning are included in the CSV. Learning time is only available for items launched on or after January 1, 2023 .