Skillsoft Courses

Some of these courses may have images branded with Codecademy, but have a source of Skillsoft. These courses, which launch in the Skillsoft course player, are comprised of a series of videos and supporting resources. Many of these courses also have knowledge checks and tests. You complete a Skillsoft course by meeting the completion criteria set by your administrator.

When viewing a course card you can see the duration, a description and whether you completed it. You can open a course as many times as you wish even after you complete it to review videos and resources. You can also take the course test as many times as you wish to improve your score.

Screenshot of a course card. Gives the options to open course or to retake test in the bottom right.

Find and launch a Skillsoft course

To find a Skillsoft course using search:

  1. Enter the topic of interest in the search bar and select Search.
  2. From the Type filter on the left navigation, select Course.
  3. From the Content source filter on the left navigation, select Skillsoft.
  4. Select to launch the course you want to take. The course player loads with the course ready to play.

Complete and get credit for a Skillsoft course

To complete a Skillsoft course, you must meet the criteria specified by your organization. To see what the completion criteria are for a course, select the How to complete link next to the Take Test button in the course player. You may see the following options:

  • Watch all videos.
  • Watch all videos and achieve a specified score on the course test.
  • Achieve a specified score on the course test.

Percipio tracks the time spent in the course, your score, and whether you achieved completion. You can see the status of the course from your Learning Activity page. Admins and managers with reporting access, can see your progress in reports.

Add a reflection

Most Skillsoft courses offer a Reflections topic in the table of contents. When you reach this topic, you can add your private reflections in response to a series of thought-provoking questions at the end of a course. By reflecting on what you've learned, you gain a greater understanding of the course material and retain that knowledge over the longer term.

You can access your reflections from the Notes and reflections page.

Practice with a knowledge check

Most Skillsoft courses have one or more knowledge checks listed in the table of contents. Knowledge checks are questions about the content you just watched. When you answer the questions, you are gauging your level of understanding of the content before taking the course test.

Restart a course

If you need to take a Skillsoft course again to meet a business requirement or to update a completion certificate, you can restart it. This is called a multiple completion. You can also restart a custom course uploaded by your learning administrators.

When you restart a course, you see a new record in your Learning Activity without any previous progress or test scores. You are starting the course from the beginning like you never took it before. You must meet all completion criteria again to complete it. When you complete a course that you restarted, you can retrieve an updated certificate of completion with a new date. Your Digital Badge remains the same.

If you are taking a Skillsoft course for NASBA CPE or PMI PDU credits, check to see if you met the completion requirements before restarting. When you completed the course the first time you may have met the standard completion requirements, but not the requirements for NASBA or PMI. We suggest that you complete the current course by meeting NASBA CPE or PMI PDU requirements and earn your credits before restarting. Restarting a course does not reset the time you have to complete it for credit.

To restart a Skillsoft course:

  1. Locate a Skillsoft course you already completed. Select Open course.

  2. From the Actions menu, actions menu icon, gray elipse, of the course player, select Restart course.

  3. You are prompted to confirm you want to restart. Select Restart course to create a new record for this course or Cancel to return to the open course and review videos and resources or retake the test.

Skillsoft course player

The Skillsoft course player has many components to aid in your learning experience.

Screenshot of course player with the different components numbered.

  1. Course contents: This is the table of contents for the course. It shows a list of the topics within the course and the order that they play. You can collapse this panel for a bigger viewing area.
  2. Course status: Available course statuses are Not started, Started, and Complete. The How to Complete link displays the requirements that must be met in order for the course to be marked as completed. If you do not start playing any videos or access any resources, the course status stays as Not started and does not display in your Resume learning or Activity lists..
  3. Take Test: Select the Take Test button to open the course test. When you've successfully passed the test based on the completion criteria, the course is marked Completed on your Activity page and on the course's content card.
  4. Action icons: The action icons vary depending on how your site is configured. You may see:
    • Earn Badge/Generate Badge/View Badge: The Digital Badge icon only displays for courses that are eligible for digital badge and if the Digital Badge feature is selected. Select Earn Badge to view the digital badge completion criteria. Select Generate badge if the badge did not automatically generate upon completion. Select View Badge to view the badge on the Digital Badge Skillsoft page .
    • Ask a Mentor: The Ask a Mentor icon only displays for eligible courses and if the Ask a Mentor setting is selected. Select this icon to chat with or email a mentor about your course.
    • Give Feedback: The Give Feedback icon only displays when the Course Feedback setting is selected. Select the Give Feedback icon to open the course survey.
    • Share: The Share icon only displays when the Allow sharing of content setting is selected. Select the Share icon to share the entire course or individual videos with peers by email or copy a direct link.
    • Star Ratings: Shows how many stars out of five a course has. Select this icon to rate the course from one to five stars.
    • More actions: Select the Actions icon, actions menu icon, gray elipse, to do one of the following:
      • Save for later: Adds the course or individual videos to your playlist so you can easily find and view them later.
      • Playlist add/remove: If enabled for your site, allows you to add this item to a specific playlist that you created.
      • Restart the course: Creates a new record for a course completion. For details, see Restart the course.
      • Learn together: If enabled on your site, allows you to collaborate and Learn together. You invite others to review the content and discuss it so everyone can increase their knowledge and skills in a supportive environment.
      • Schedule learning time: Allows you to configure and send calendar invitations containing links to the content so you can make time for learning in your busy schedule. For more information, see Schedule learning time.
  5. Player Control bar: Allows you to control the playing of the course. You can play, pause, rewind or jump to the next item in the Contents.
    • CC — Closed Captions:Under this icon you have settings for closed captions. The settings you choose persist across all courses until you change them.
      • Captions: Select to turn on or off closed captions or subtitles for the course.
      • Caption size: Allows you to choose the size of the text that displays.
      • Caption language: If you are in an English course that supports caption language, you can choose to play captions in a language other than English. For more information, see Courses with Translated Closed Captions.
      • Caption feedback: Alternate language captions are machine translated. To help improve the machine translations over time, we ask you to provide feedback about the quality of the translation.
    • AD — Audio Description: Turns audio descriptions on. The setting you choose persists across all courses until you change them.
    • Settings: Opens options to adjust how the course plays. The settings you choose persist across all courses until you change them.
      • Autoplays: When selected, the player automatically plays the next video in the table of contents.
      • Speed: Choose how fast the player plays the course. You can select from 0.5 – 2 times.
      • Quality: Set to automatically adjust based on your settings, or choose a setting at a different resolution.
      • Keyboard shortcuts: Select to view the keyboard shortcuts available for controlling the player.
    • Volume: Adjust the volume that the course plays.
    • Full screen:Select the icon to have the course play at full screen.
  6. Overview: The Overview tab displays a brief overview of the course's content, prerequisites, expertise level, PDU training credits, or CPE training credits, if available, course objectives, and the instructor name. You can also see the course code which can aid in finding a localized version of the course.
  7. Q&A: The Q&A tab allows you to post a question about the course content. You can post up to 100 questions a day. If you do not see this tab, your administrator may have turned Q&A off. On this tab, you can:
    • Post a question you have about the content in the course.
    • Respond to other learner's questions if you know the answer.
    •  Within a question or answer post, you can:
      • Add links to other sites within your post.
      • Tag other users in your organization using @ + user's name. The user gets a notification if they are tagged. To use this feature, your site admin must turn it on.
    • View immediate responses to your questions from Percipio AI.
    • Like or dislike responses to your questions from Percipio AI.
    • Like the questions and answers you find valuable.
    • Edit and delete your posted questions and answers.
    • Opt to follow discussions of interest and receive activity notifications for those discussions (if turned on for your Percipio site).
    • Report any inappropriate questions and answers to ensure a positive environment.
  8. Notes: The Notes tab displays if the Allow note taking setting is selected. When you see this section, you can add highlights to text and take notes about concepts you learn and ideas for how you might apply what your are learning at your job.

    To highlight text, select some text and pick a highlight color. To add a note, select Take note. A time stamp displays and you can enter up to 3000 characters in the notes field. If you want, you can add hashtags (#text) to help search and categorize your notes. All your notes and highlights for the entire content item display on the Notes tab and on the Notes and Reflections page in My Learning. You can edit and delete notes and highlights at any time.

  9. Resources A resource is supplemental content that enhances your learning experience. A Web-based resource (HTML Resource) opens in the main content area, while other external files open in a default application configured on your system (example: Microsoft Excel™). Some resource files may prompt you to download them.Flashcards help you reinforce what you learned in the course.

  10. Note: Not all courses have resources. This tab is only available if resources are included with the course.
  11. Transcript: Course transcripts are conversions of the videos into a text-based document.

    You can use transcripts to:

    • Search within a course: search for a specific content within the transcript of the entire course and jump to a specific area.
    • Auto scroll: automatically scroll the transcripts text section as video progresses. Focus will be on the top of the reading pane section without interruption.
    • Click specific text: click anywhere in a transcript and navigate to a specific point in the video.
    • View full transcript: navigate to the full transcript page.
  12. You Might Also Like: This section provides up to 5 personalized recommendations that best match what you are currently watching. It does not show courses you completed. This section is available for English courses only and is not available for integration customers launching with a Chromeless experience.

Find a Skillsoft course in a different language

To find a Skillsoft course in another language, the course code displays on the Overview tab of the course player.

Screenshot of the overview tab on a course. Code is one of the fields under the overview tab, and shows the code that defines that specific course.

To find a course in another language:

  1. Copy the course code from the Overview tab.
  2. Switch your site language.
  3. Enter the first 12 characters in the search bar, leaving off the language code at the end and select to search.
    For example: If the course code was bs_ald06_a01_enus, enter bs_ald06_a01 in the search bar leaving off the enus which indicates the course is in US English.
  4. If a translated course exists in the site language, you see it in search results.