Configure a Retired Course
For any Skillsoft retired course in your Skillsoft Compliance Course Library, you can add one or more configurations. A configuration is when you add any non-instructional information to the original Skillsoft course that plays in the Skillsoft Course Player. Non-instructional information includes introduction, policy, and summary and does not change the original structure of the course, or the course number The number assigned by Skillsoft to each course. An example of a course number for a legal course is: lchr_01_a87_lc_enus; and one for an environmental course is: ehs_hsf_c10_sh_enus.
To configure one course or to add multiple configurations to a course:
- From the Content menu, select Content Configuration.
- Locate the course you want to configure.
- Search for the course by entering the course title or number in the search field.
- If you are looking to do configurations in more than one language, locate all language versions of a course by searching for the course number. All language versions of a course have the same course number except for the language identifier at the end.
- Sort the list by clicking the Configuration Status column header.
- From the Actions menu next to the Skillsoft original course, select Edit or Add configuration.
- If you only need one configuration, you can select Edit or optionally, select the Course Title.
- This action modifies the original Skillsoft course with your configurations.
- If you want to offer this one course configuration in more than one language, you must locate each language version of the course from the list and select Edit and add the translated files.
- If you do not add translated files, learners using a language see the translated course, but no configuration components.
- If you already edited the original Skillsoft course and you need to add another configuration, select Add configuration and specify a unique title for this new configuration.
- The new configuration retains the same Course number
The number assigned by Skillsoft to each course. An example of a course number for a legal course is: lchr_01_a87_lc_enus; and one for an environmental course is: ehs_hsf_c10_sh_enus as the original Skillsoft course and continues to get any course updates.
- The new configuration does get a new Content ID
Unique identifier for a specific content asset.. The Content ID is appended to the Course number when naming an AICC package for importing into a third party LMS.
- You can not add a configuration to a configured course, you can only add a configuration to a Skillsoft original course.
- If you want to offer each configuration in more than one language, you must locate each language version of the course from the list and select Add Configuration, then add the translated files. If you do not have translations for a particular language version, but want the language version to display to learners, you must still add a configuration to that language version but with no components. If you do not add a configuration for a language version, the learner using that language sees the English version of the configuration.
For example: an administrator wants to add a policy to the English and Spanish versions of a Back Safety course, but not the French version. However, the administrator wants to allow their learners to view the course in all three languages. To achieve this, the administrator must:
- Create additional configurations for the each of the English, Spanish, and French versions of the Back Safety course
- Add a policy document to the English and Spanish versions
- Link the languages together via language mapping
The result allows a learner to choose between English, Spanish, and French when taking the configured Back Safety course. If English or Spanish is chosen the learner sees the appropriate policy as part of the course content. If French is chosen, they only see the original course in French. If you do not create a French configuration, the learner choosing French sees the course in the English configuration.
Note for Multiple Configurations: If you want to assign the configured course only once using the English version and allow the learner to automatically see the configuration in their own language, you must also supply Skillsoft with a language mapping that shows which configurations correspond to each other. If you do not supply the language mapping, learners see the English version of the configuration.
- The new configuration retains the same Course number
- If you only need one configuration, you can select Edit or optionally, select the Course Title.
- In the Content Configuration page, select each tab to:
- After you add your configuration information, choose one of the following:
- Save as draft: Save all changes and return to the Skillsoft Compliance Course Library.
- Save and Preview: Recommended! See a preview of your configuration in the Skillsoft Course Player.
- Publish configuration: Publish the course configuration immediately.
Note: If you switch between tabs on the Course Configuration editor page without saving, you will not lose your changes. However, if you leave the page or return to the Skillsoft Compliance Course Library without saving, all changes are lost.