Journey Activity Report

The Journey Activity report provides a complete picture of each journey and its tracks showing learner completion status.

Report insights

The Journey Detail report shows you:

  • For each journey how many unique learners and completions there are.
  • How much time learners have spent within each journey compared to the estimated time.
  • A list of users who have started a journey and their progress to date including how many tracks they completed and how many they have in progress, as well as how many they have not started.
  • For each user the items they accessed within a track and their progress for those items as well as progress for the track. It also shows you items that they have not accessed.
  • When items, tracks, and journeys were started, last accessed, and completed.
  • The content that users have not started in a track. You can only see this per user per journey because a user's view of journey content could be different from the full set of content within a journey due to entitlements.

With this information, you can get a sense of the overall health of your journey. If it is taking learners a long time to complete a journey or track after starting it, that may be an indication to send a reminder or poll your learners to find out why they stopped. If a journey has not been accessed in a while, perhaps it is time to promote it or archive it.

Access this report

To access the report and customize it for your needs:

  1. From the left navigation bar select Analytics, then select the All Reports tab.
  2. From the Journeys section, select Journey Activity.
  3. After you set filters, select Apply filters to update the data shown on the page. If you want to reset filters, you can select Load default filters.
  4. You can select to Download report at this point so you can share with others in your organization.
  5. You can choose to create a report schedule. Under Actions, select Create report schedule. When you schedule a report, the report runs automatically and you get notified by email when it is available to view.
  6. If you save the initial custom view, you can then:

When journey progress tracking starts

In order to start tracking progress within a journey, learners must launch at least one item from within the journey. Scenarios for when journeys start tracking progress:

  • After learners launch an item from within the journey, tracking of journey completion starts, and at that point learners can launch any journey item from search results or a channel and the progress counts toward track and journey completion.
  • If learners launch an item that is contained in a journey from search results or from a channel, without first launching any item from within the journey, Percipio does not start tracking journey progress, only the progress of the individual item.
  • If learners previously completed any item contained in the journey, those completed items count towards the track and journey completion provided learners first launched an item from within the journey.
  • After learners launch content from within a journey, you see progress in all the journey reports.

Available Tabs

The Journey Activity report contains two tabs:

  • Summary: On the Summary tab you see a list of all journeys and high level usage metrics like unique learners accessing, total completions. You also see metrics about the journey itself like total tracks, total assets, and estimated duration. You only see journeys listed here that have had user activity within the date range specified.

  • By journey: On the By journey tab, you can expand the Journey title column to see a list of users who have accessed the journey and their progress through the journey. You can also see started dates, last accessed dates, and completion dates. You can select a user's name to see additional detail to the track and asset level including total learning hours and percent complete.


The following columns are available in the Journey Activity report, in the Summary tab:

  • JOURNEY TITLE: The title of the journey.
  • JOURNEY SOURCE: Identifies whether the journey is Skillsoft or custom.
  • UNIQUE LEARNERS: The total number of individual learners that accessed the Journey within the specified date range.
  • TOTAL COMPLETIONS: The number of times the journey was completed within the specified date range.
  • ESTIMATED DURATION (HOURS): Total estimated amount of time it takes a learner to complete the specified content. For online courses this only includes the video playback time. Time is listed as fraction of hours. Something that takes 90 minutes to complete is listed as 1.50 and something that takes 15 minutes is listed as 0.25.
  • ESTIMATED DURATION (SECONDS): Total estimated amount of time it takes a learner to complete the specified content. Time is listed in total seconds.
  • ESTIMATED DURATION (HHMMSS): Total estimated amount of time in hours, minutes, and seconds, it takes a learner to complete the specified content.
  • LEARNING HOURS (HOURS): The total number of hours a learner spent learning in this content item. If the item is a Skillsoft course, the total includes time spent watching videos, working on knowledge checks, and taking tests. Time is listed as fraction of hours. Something that takes 90 minutes to complete is listed as 1.50 and something that takes 15 minutes is listed as 0.25.
  • LEARNING HOURS (SECONDS): The total number of hours a learner spent learning in this content item. If the item is a Skillsoft course, the total includes time spent watching videos, working on knowledge checks, and taking tests. Time is listed in total seconds.
  • LEARNING HOURS (HHMMSS): The total number of hours a learner spent learning in this content item. If the item is a Skillsoft course, the total includes time spent watching videos, working on knowledge checks, and taking tests. Time is listed in (00h00m00s) format.
  • TOTAL TRACKS: The number of tracks contained in the journey. On the Summary tab, the total tracks is based on how the journey was built. On the By journey tab, the total tracks is what that user has available to them based on their content entitlements.
  • TOTAL ASSETS: The number of assets contained in the journey. On the Summary tab, the total assets is based on how the journey was built. On the By journey tab, the total assets is what that user has available to them based on their content entitlements.
  • LANGUAGE: The language of the asset. Available languages and their codes are listed here.

In addition to the columns listed above, the following columns are available on the By Journey tab:

  • USER UUID: Viewable only from the CSV download, this field is a unique identifier representing the user. It is displayed as either first and last name, email address, login ID, or external user ID.
  • LOGIN NAME: The value entered in the Login name attribute for the user.
  • USER ID: The value entered in the User ID attribute. It is used to identify a user inside Percipio.
  • FIRST NAME: The value entered in the First name user attribute. Usually the user's first name.
  • LAST NAME: The value entered in the Last name user attribute. Usually the user's last name.
  • EMAIL ADDRESS: The value entered in the Email address user attribute; the user's email address.
  • USER STATUS: The status of the user in Percipio. Valid values are active or inactive.
  • % COMPLETED: How far a learner has progressed through the journey as measured by the total content within all tracks that the user has been entitled to excluding optional tracks.
  • COMPLETED TRACKS: The total number of tracks the learner completed within the journey.
  • TRACKS IN PROGRESS: The number of tracks a learner started, but did not yet complete.
  • COMPLETED ASSETS: The number of assets contained within a journey that a learner completed.
  • STARTED ASSETS: The number of assets contained within a journey that a learners started, but did not yet complete.
  • JOURNEY START DATE: The date the learner began the journey. This date is not impacted by the Date Range Presets filter, and the time stamp of t00:00:00Z is expected.
  • JOURNEY LAST ACCESS DATE: The date the learner last accessed the journey.
  • COMPLETED DATE: The date the user completed the all tracks in the Journey. This date is not impacted by the Date Range Presets filter, and the time stamp of t00:00:00Z is expected.
  • User Attributes (varies): These fields are defined by (and are unique to) your organization. For more information, see User Attributes. If you are using an attribute type of Percipio User, the value in the field can be either first and last name, email address, login ID, or external user ID. The value that appears depends on what has been specified for the individual user.