Re-engagement Emails
Re-engagement emails are weekly emails sent to learners who have not accessed any content in 30 or more days, as a reminder to continue learning. The weekly email stops when the user signs back into Percipio, or when the user is inactive for 12 weeks, whichever comes first. Users can opt out of emails at any time.
These emails are a proven, effective way to drive learner engagement by reminding your learners about content and resources. Learners with an email address in their profile can receive a series of encouraging, personalized Re-engagement emails during the work week (Monday through Friday) when Re-engagement emails on the Engagement & Notifications page is turned on.
These emails capture learners’ attention with personalized subject lines and learning recommendations based on their selected skill interests. The recommendations include all content types, including custom and linked content. When learners click on a link within the email, they are automatically logged into Percipio with the corresponding page or content item opened. The automatic login only works once per email per user and expires after 60 days. That means, if learners attempt a second click within the email, they are prompted to log in.
You can:
- Specify your organization’s name to display in Percipio’s emails to ensure your learners know the email is from your company and that the links are safe to click.
- Customize your logo and organization colors contained within the email.
- Customize the subject, header, pre-header and introductory text, but not the content of these emails.
- Send only to a target audience.
This video is part of the Percipio Certification: Admin Essentials Journey located on your Percipio site. You can earn a badge by completing the journey in Percipio.

There are up to four different Re-engagement email templates. If you have not enabled Digital Badges or Learning Goals, you only see two templates. Each template can be customized separately. Learners receive one of the four available template formats for each of 12 weeks on a rotating basis or until the learner logs into Percipio.
The Re-engagement emails include content suggestions based on the learner's selected skill interests. The recommendations include all content types, including custom and linked content. It also includes the learner's login ID, a link to the site, and the site name for Mobile App access.
If the learner completed a skill benchmark and did not achieve at least a 96% proficiency, they also see a reminder to retake it so they can gauge their progress. The reminder to retake a skill benchmark only shows after the specified retake interval has passed..

Early adopters of the Re-engagement emails have observed marked increases of the following:
- overall traffic to their Percipio site
- number of page views
- number of sessions
- duration of sessions

Re-engagement emails are automatically sent to a learner once 30 days pass from the last time they accessed Percipio content. When turned on, any learner that has not engaged with content for more than 30 days automatically receives these emails. Learners receive one email per week, for a total of 12 weeks, or until they consume content.
Re-engagement emails stop after any of these:
- Once the learner consumes content again
- If the learner opts out via the Unsubscribe link within each email
- If the learner turns off the Send me an email with new and featured content when I haven't recently visited Percipio setting from their My Settings page
- When you turn off the feature for all learners via the Email Campaigns page

To offer our customers the best return on investment, by default the Re-engagement emails are sent to all learners who have not accessed Percipio content in the last 30 days.
If you've turned these emails off and want to turn them back on, go to the Engagement & Notifications page and turn on the Allow Percipio to send emails containing new and recommended content to users who have not accessed content in 30 days or longer toggle.

On the Email Campaigns page, turn off the Allow Percipio to send emails containing new and recommended content to users who have not accessed content in 30 days or longer toggle.

No, these emails are only sent to learners with a license to access the Percipio library. They do not go out to learners who only have compliance assignments without access to the library.

When you turn on the Allow Percipio to send emails containing new and recommended content to users who have not accessed content in 30 days or longer toggle on the Email Campaigns page:
- Percipio sends an initial Re-engagement email to all learners who have not accessed Percipio content within the last 30 days.
- If a learner does not reply by clicking Unsubscribe in the email, opting out on their Account Information page, or by signing in to Percipio and accessing content, they receive a reminder email each week until they consume content, or until a total of 12 emails are delivered, whichever comes first.
When you turn off the Allow Percipio to send emails containing new and recommended content to users who have not accessed content in 30 days or longer toggle on the Email Campaigns page:
- Percipio does not send Re-engagement emails to learners.
- If Re-engagement emails have already been sent, the email delivery ceases immediately upon clicking Save, and no further Re-engagement emails are sent.
If you want to send a weekly email to learners who have accessed content within the last days, see Recommendation Emails.

For sign-ins
- You can view data about increased sign-ins via the Returning Users percentage on the Overview dashboard’s New vs. returning users chart.
For traffic increase
- Filter the User Listing report to view last content accesses for a date range beginning the day you enable your Re-engagement emails.

When you turn on the Allow Percipio to send emails containing new and recommended content to users who have not accessed content in 30 days or longer toggle on the Email Campaigns page, you have the option to send emails to a targeted audience.
- Select Select Audience. By default all audiences are selected.
- Unselect all audiences, then find the audience you want to target and select it. Or simply unselect just those audiences who shouldn't get the email.
- Select Save audiences. Emails only go to those in that audience who have not accessed Percipio in the last 30 days.

To help users who have the Percipio role of manager encourage learning in their team, the email contains a special manager section. For every email, Percipio randomly chooses one of the following options to put in this section:
- Assign content to team (this option only displays if managers have the custom privilege to assign content.)
- Share recently accessed content with team
- Check on team’s progress