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What's New Page

Skillport home page showing customizable options

1. Image

The image can be replaced with a custom graphic or removed entirely using the What's New Page options.

Video icon Watch: Change the What's New Page Image

2. Welcome Message

The welcome message (HTML content) can be replaced or removed.

Video icon Watch: Change the What's New Page Welcome Message

3. Promoted Assets

Up to three assets can be highlighted in the Promoted Assets area. These can be replaced or removed.

Video icon Watch: Change the What's New Page Promoted Assets

Note: Featured Topics and Browse the Library are additional, configurable content areas contained on the What's New page. They are accessed from the Library page under the Content tab. See designating the Library's Featured Topics and creating and designating browse views in Browse the Library for more details.

4. Recommended for You Carousel

The carousel can be enabled/disabled for a site by configuring the Enable Recommended for You Carousel web site switch.