Types of Learning Assets
A learning asset is a resource within a learning management system (LMS) used for training purposes. Your completion and mastery of many assets can be tracked though your learner transcripts.
The following table lists the learning assets that may be available to you and identifies their associated default icons.
Content Type
Learning Assets associated with the Content Type

A course is web-based instructional content delivered to you on your computer. During a course, you practice and are assessed on your mastery of the skills and knowledge learned in the course.
The following types of courses are examples of what may be available in your Library:
A SkillSim (Skillsoft simulation) is a technology-enabled simulation that puts you in an authentic business or professional situation.
You play a major role in a variety of simulated interactions where your decisions have a direct impact on the course of events and result in realistic consequences. The SkillSim is designed to help you practice or assess your mastery of skills and knowledge learned in a series of Skillsoft courses. As you progress through a series of scenes, you will receive feedback on your performance. To assist you, the simulation incorporates links to context-sensitive Skillsoft course material.

Course Topics
Course Topics
In certain courses, you can add individual course topics to your learning plan. When available, a list of course topics displays under each lesson title with an option to save the topic directly to your learning plan.

A series is a container of specifically-ordered assets used to group related assets together (for example, to obtain a certification). Series cannot have subsets.

Instructor Led Training
Instructor Led Training (ILT) Courses
Instructor Led Training (ILT) courses are scheduled courses that you attend at a specific time. An ILT course can have one or more sessions, which are scheduled instances of the course. There are two types of ILT sessions:
- ILT physical sessions: These sessions are held at physical locations, for example, a classroom or conference room.
- ILT virtual sessions: These sessions are delivered online via web conferencing applications.
You can enroll yourself in an ILT session, or your manager or training administrator can enroll you. Depending on the configuration of your site, your manager may need to approve the enrollment if you enroll yourself. If your manager enrolls you, you are notified by email of the location, duration, time, and date of the scheduled session.
If sessions of a course are currently unavailable (that is, there are no scheduled sessions or all scheduled sessions are full), you can add an ILT course to your watchlist in order to be notified when a new session is scheduled.

Live Learning
Live Learning Courses (LLC), which include the following types of sessions:
Live Learning courses are a derivative of traditional, instructor-led technical training. Instead of gathering students in a physical location, lectures are delivered to participants with streaming audio, video presentations, and application sharing over the Internet. Lectures are also available as recordings for on-demand viewing. Live Learning courses are hosted and delivered as a collection of launchables; once you enroll in a Live Learning course, all of its assets become available to you on the course summary page.
Expert Live sessionsLive Learning Expert Live Sessions: Live Learning Expert Live sessions are live, webcast instructional sessions taught at specific, scheduled dates and times by a team of expert instructors.
Expert Encore sessionsLive Learning Expert Encore Sessions: Recorded sessions for on-demand viewing or reviewing of Expert Live sessions.

Books, which include the following asset types:
Analyst PerspectivesAnalyst Perspectives are summaries of the views of many different analyst firms. Analyst Perspectives provide insight into their research and opinions on IT and telecommunications in a context that helps planners and decision makers at all levels make better informed decisions. With hundreds of research firms tracking the technology industry, Analyst Perspectives help you to select and apply the right reports to your business needs.
BlueprintsAuthored by C-level business executives, Blueprints provide nuts and bolts information to help formulate planning and action of strategies.
SummariesSummaries are summaries of leading business books from today's foremost business authors. Summaries expertly encapsulate the salient points and ideas of full-length books into digestible, 8-page summaries. Unlike excerpts or reviews, Summaries skillfully distill the essence of the author's work, conveying content, style and spirit. Designed for ease-of-use with short passages, bulleted lists, and other useful elements, these thorough, yet concise high-level overviews represent cutting-edge ideas that are shaping today's business environment.
JournalsJournals are issues of a given publication released on a periodic basis.
NewslettersNewletters are short-form text documents containing news and other topical information.
Recorded SessionsRecorded Sessions are recorded audio conversations with leading business book authors. (transcripts are included)
ReportsReports are short-form text documents covering a specific business or technical topic.

Audio books
Certain collections of books have audio editions available for download in MP3 format.

Business Exploration Series Courses
Business Exploration Series courses (Business Impact Series and Challenges) provide learners with engaging, visually rich, scenario-based learning that enables them to experience real world situations in safe, exploratory environments. These learning assets use video and Flash to make the learning experience engaging and authentic.
Business Impact SeriesBusiness Impact Series: Media-rich dramatizations of frequently encountered business problems. Use these to pick up on best practices and things to avoid in various business scenarios.
ChallengesChallenges: Media-rich case studies focused on content analysis, problem solving, and decision making. Each challenge presents learners with a specific objective or goal, along with related discovery material and multiple potential solutions. Learners are challenged to analyze a business problem and discovery material, select one of several potential solutions, and then defend or justify their selections by answering questions about the selected outcome.
Express Guides™
Express guides are electronically-delivered equivalents of the student guides that IT professionals receive when they attend instructor-led training classes. They consist primarily of text and graphics and do not contain interactive practice questions or assessments.
Job Aids
Job aids are standalone documents that support the transfer of knowledge and skills from courses to the workplace. They are performance-support tools designed to be used on an ongoing basis, or around a specific work-focused events, such as performance reviews, interviewing, or strategic planning. Job aids are not dependent on course content.
If a job aid is available for a particular course, you can launch it from the course summary page.
Learning Sparks
Learning Sparks are interactive assets designed primarily for information technology subjects such as Cisco and IT Security.
Practice Labs
Practice labs are designed to help you practice and assess your current skill levels and maintain ongoing expertise. An expert introduction provides you with insights and key pointers to the core skills practiced in the lab. After the introduction, you work in a learning environment that replicates a real-world job situation, and you complete hands-on exercises designed to build a rounded aggregation of competencies and skills.
Projects give IT professionals the opportunity to test their skills in structured learning environments that reflect real-world situations. They consist of extensive programs of unified, integrated projects that challenge developers to solve practical business problems, and they foster the acquisition of core programming skills.
Use a hosted IDE or Microsoft Visual Studio to build a robust business application by completing a series of coding projects. Skillsoft's innovative code judging application can evaluate your solutions, provide targeted feedback, and pinpoint helpful reference materials.
SkillBriefs are single-page, condensed summaries of the instructional content of a course topic. Use SkillBriefs as an instant reference after you have completed a course.
If a SkillBrief is available for a particular course, you can launch it from the course summary page.
Mentoring provides a convenient way of accessing the Ask My Mentor feature for a particular course or certification path. Mentoring assets map to specific certification exams, and, therefore, they appear in the Library beneath applicable exams in a certification-related curricula folder.
You can access mentoring support by clicking in one of the following locations:
- A course summary page that has a related mentoring offering. Browse the certification-related categories in the Library, or use search.
- The objectives screen of a mentored exercise.
The Ask My Mentor page allows you to take advantage of three types of mentoring: live chats, questions and answers by email, and daily messages.
- Chat with a Mentor: If you have a quick question about a course or certification, your mentoring team can provide you with a quick answer. To enter a live chat with a mentor, click Chat with a Mentor.
- Email My Mentor: If you have a detailed question about a course or certification, your Mentoring Team can provide you with a detailed answer via email. To email a mentor, click Email My Mentor.
- Change Daily Email Options: You can receive daily email messages that contain questions and information relevant to the specific certification. To activate this feature and specify the frequency with which to receive messages, click Change Daily Email Options.
Skillsoft Virtual Practice-Labs
Skillsoft Virtual Practice-Labs enable IT professionals to build critical technology skills in a safe, virtual environment. The Virtual Practice-Labs can mirror almost any hardware or software configuration. By experimenting with live applications, IT professionals can learn and retain valuable skills by interacting with the technology and solutions needed for their jobs. Learners can also get support by accessing expert always-available online content. The Virtual Practice-Labs give IT professionals access to popular certification topics, including Microsoft®, CompTIA®, Cisco®, and VMware®.

Learning Programs
Learning Programs
A Learning Program is a collection of learning assets that are grouped together based on subject matter, target audience, learning goal, or another organizing principle. Learning programs can include required and elective assets, have a defined structure that requires completion in a prescribed order, and a learner's progress can be tracked.

Videos covers a variety of business- and leadership-related themes. Videos include:
- Leadership QuickTalks
- CEO QuickTalks
- On-Demand versions of Live Events
- Live Video Events
Live Events
Live Events are scheduled live and interactive forums during which recognized thought leaders offer cutting edge thinking on a leadership topic. Live Events are recorded for viewing at a later date.

Portal Learning
Skillsoft Advantage
Skillsoft Advantage (SA) is a series of targeted development programs comprised of a collection of learning assets that have been thoughtfully selected and organized by industry experts.
Individual learning tracks offer a combination of new and existing assets that combine multiple modes of instruction, including text, video, and interactive practice activities that are intended to keep the learning quick and engaging. Each track is designed to take no more than two hours to complete, although you can complete as much or as little of any track at one time.
A KnowledgeCenter™ is a pre-packaged, user-friendly learning portal that allows learners instant access to trusted, targeted content. Each KnowledgeCenter includes material selected by subject matter experts to help learners build knowledge around a topic quickly and efficiently. KnowledgeCenter materials can include featured topics refreshed on a monthly basis, online books and reference materials, Skillsoft courses, Live Learning courses and their related assets, SkillSims, practice labs, projects, and more.

TestPrep Exam
TestPrep Exams are practice tests that help you prepare for a certification exam by testing your knowledge in a simulated certification testing environment. You can take a TestPrep exam in Study Mode (where you receive feedback after each question) or in Certification Mode (designed to mimic a certification exam).
Final Exam
Final Exams: These are final tests associated with a series of courses or learning path. Questions are drawn from all courses in the series to create an inclusive exam to test your knowledge of the subject matter. You demonstrate your competency with the associated courseware by successfully completing the final exam. In some cases, you must complete a final exam in order to earn college credits or to meet the requirements for professional-level certifications.

Some learning assets, such as courses and learning programs, can have associated evaluation forms that allow you to provide feedback about your experience. In some cases, courses that you take as part of a credential require that you complete an evaluation in order to receive credit for the course.
If you complete an asset that has an associated evaluation, an evaluation is automatically added to the Assigned Learning tab of your learning plan. (Evaluations for learning programs and Live Learning courses are only added after the entire program or course is completed.) After you complete the evaluation, it is then automatically removed from your learning plan.
If the evaluation is optional, you do not have to complete it, and you can remove it from your learning plan at any time.
If the evaluation is required, you can only remove it from your learning plan by completing it. Each time you sign in to Skillport, you are reminded to complete the required evaluation.

External Learning Objects
An external learning object (ELO) is a reference to a learning activity or resource such as:
- A membership in a professional association
- A subscription to, or an article in, a journal or magazine
- An on-the-job or off-the-job experience
- A web site (for example, http://www.mywebsite.com/usefulinfo.html)
- An Internet newsgroup
- An in-house policy and procedure manual (for example, http://www.mywebsite.com/manuals/newemployeemanual.pdf)
External learning objects can be displayed, and searched for, in the Library. However, Skillport cannot track their completion by learners.