Skillsoft works hard to ensure all users, including users with disabilities and users of assistive technologies, have the best possible experience using Percipio. We provide the following so you can meet your accessibility requirements.
Percipio accessibility options
Within Percipio, both admins and users have options that allow for an accessible experience.

Percipio contains both accessible and non-accessible content. You have the option to configure Percipio for your organization so that only accessible content is available to your users.
To show only accessible content:
- Go to Site Settings, then Site Configuration and Content Settings.
- Unselect Content that does not conform to accessibility standards.
In addition, some collections contain non-accessible IT Labs. To hide these, work with your Skillsoft account team.
You can review the accessibility status of any content item by checking the WCAG column in your All content listing by collection report. If the value shows True, the item conforms to accessibility standards.

The books and book summaries notes and highlighting feature does not yet conform to accessibility standards. You have the option to disable it as appropriate for your organization.
To disable taking notes and highlighting in books, you can:
1. Go to Site Settings, then Site Configuration and Site features.
2. Unselect Allow learners to take notes and make highlights in books.

Percipio allows you to have up to 5 promotional banners. By default, auto scrolling of the banners is turned on for all users. We recommend that screen reader users switch auto play off to give them better control.
To turn off auto play, you can choose to:
- Let users know that they can turn off auto scrolling themselves using the pause control in the banner. Users who find the continuous movement uncomfortable or who might need more time to read the banner contents may choose to turn off auto scrolling. The user override setting persists until they change it.
- Turn off the auto scroll setting for all users.
- Go to Site Settings, then Site Configuration and Site Features.
- Unselect Automatically scroll banner promotions. Users can still opt to override the setting by selecting play in the banner to enable auto scrolling for themselves. The user override setting persists until they change it.

When in the Skillsoft course player, we recommend that screen-reader users switch video auto play off to give them better control over the starting of videos. The auto play setting controls the resumption of a video which the user has already started playing, and the automatic starting of the next video when the previous video has completed. The setting persists for the current and subsequent sessions.
To turn video auto play off:
- Within a course player, select Settings.
- Locate Autoplay, then switch the toggle off.

Career Journeys are an add-on collection of content which customers may choose to license. Career Journeys and its content is not yet accessible.
Skillsoft VPATs
In addition to Percipio accessibility options, Skillsoft works with our partners to share accessibility conformance information by providing accessibility conformance reports based on the ITIC Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT). We have the following available to help you meet your accessibility requirements:

The following Percipio voluntary product accessibility template (VPAT) provides details on how the accessibility features of the listed content, platforms, players, and portals help customers address Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 (A and AA) accessibility requirements.
If your Percipio solution has content collections incorporating Codeademy content hosted on, then the Codecademy Enterprise VPAT is also applicable.

The following Percipio voluntary product accessibility template (VPAT) provides details on how the accessibility features of the listed content, platforms, players, and portals help customers address WCAG 2.2 (A and AA) accessibility requirements.
If your Percipio solution has content collections incorporating Codeademy content hosted on, then the Codecademy Enterprise VPAT is also applicable.

The following Percipio voluntary product accessibility template (VPAT) provides details on the accessibility conformance of the Percipio Mobile App.

The following sets of VPATs detail the accessibility conformance of Compliance.
For Compliance users who access compliance courses from the Percipio interface, the following VPAT applies:
For Compliance users who access compliance courses from the Percipio Compliance interface or for Content Integration users, the following VPATs apply:
- Percipio Compliance Learner VPAT, WCAG 2.1
- Self-paced Courses in the Compliance player WCAG 2.0 VPAT
- Self-paced Courses in the Java free (RIA) player, WCAG 2.0 (applies to non-video)
- Certitude (VPAT pending)
For Skillport or OLSA users of Compliance courses, the following VPAT applies: Self-paced Courses in the Java free (RIA) player, WCAG 2.0.

The following Skillsoft Coaching voluntary product accessibility template (VPAT) provides details on the accessibility conformance of Skillsoft Coaching.

The following Codecademy Enterprise voluntary product accessibility template (VPAT) details the accessibility conformance of the Codecademy Enterprise Learner experience, covering both Codecademy content and platform, either accessed directly from or from Percipio.
Content Accessibility
In addition to Percipio accessibility options and Percipio platform VPATs, Skillsoft works with our partners to share accessibility conformance information by providing VPAT conformance reports. We have the following available to help you meet your accessibility requirements.
Skillsoft-family Content Accessibility
Skillsoft includes Skillsoft-family content packages in our stock collections and Career Journeys which customers may choose to make available to their users. These packages include:
- Global Knowledge on demand courses
- Global Knowledge Instructor Led Training (ILT) classes
- Codecademy content items that launch in the Codecademy platform
Skillsoft makes no accessibility claims for any of the content contained within the Global Knowledge packages and they are not covered by the Skillsoft VPATs. You can choose to not show Global Knowledge content to your users:
- Go to Site Settings, then Site Configuration, and Content Settings.
- Select Content that does not conform to accessibility standards.
The Codecademy platform and Codecademy content that launches on the Codecademy platform will soon be covered by a Skillsoft VPAT. If you choose not to show Codecademy content that launches on the Codecademy platform to your users, contact your Skillsoft account team.
For the latest accessibility information on the Skillsoft-family products, please contact your Skillsoft account team.
Partner Content Accessibility
Skillsoft includes partner content packages in our stock collections that customers may choose to make available to their users: These packages include:
- Skillable (formerly Learn on Demand Systems (LODS) Labs)
- MIT SMR Webinars
- Microsoft Learn Courses
- VPAT supplied by Microsoft Accessibility Conformance reports listed as DevRel – Doc sites and Open Publishing.
- Practice Labs and Test Preps
- CyberVista Practice Tests
- Open Content which includes externally linked content provided by a variety of sources
- AWS Digital courseware authored by AWS
Use the Content that does not conform to accessibility standards detailed in Skillsoft VPATs setting to hide non-accessible courses in Skillsoft collections on your Percipio site. In addition, some collections contain non-accessible IT Labs. To hide non-accessible IT Labs and AWS courseware, please work with your Skillsoft account team.
Skillsoft makes additional partner content packages available for customers to license separately. These packages include:
- AlertDriving
- Covercent
- getAbstract
- goFLUENT Essentials
- Interskill
- Microsoft Elite
- National Environmental Health Association (NEHA)
- Security Innovation
- Selected Open Resources
- StoneTurn
- WintellectNOW
Skillsoft makes no accessibility claims for any of the content contained within these content partner packages and they are not covered by the Skillsoft VPATs.
To access the latest information on partner content packages, please contact your Skillsoft account team.