Custom Content

When you add custom content to Percipio, you personalize the experience for your learners with your company's information. Companies who use custom content double their learner return visit to the site.

Before getting started with custom content, it helps to understand the library hierarchy and how all the pieces fit together.

Library hierarchy

When you purchase content from Skillsoft, you buy a collection.

Collections are organized hierarchically into categories, areas, and subjects.

Skillsoft library with an area and its subjects highlighted

  • Category: the top-level label in the Percipio library. By default you see the standard menu category: Skill Areas, where you can add your custom areas and subjects. You also see other categories for Certifications, Aspire Journeys, Career Journeys, Showcase, and Collections which are maintained solely by Skillsoft. You can add your own custom category which displays above the standard Skill Areas category.
  • Areas: broad groupings of content that display under the standard or custom categories. Areas are listed alphabetically in the library under their category. You can create your own custom areas to present content in the best way for your learners.
  • Subject: topic-level grouping of content that display under an area. Within custom areas, you can create your own custom subjects to help learners find content.

Within subjects, you see a further topic and skill-level breakdown. You see channels and Aspire journeys. Each channel or journey must be contained within at least one subject, but can exist in multiple subjects. When learners view channels and journeys, they see the individual content items that exist on the site. Each content item must be added to at least one channel or journey, but can exist in multiple channels and journeys.

Custom Content menu options

The Custom Content section of the Percipio admin menu lets you customize: