Live Courses (Instructor-Led Training) Overview
Live courses are a way for you to list and track your instructor-led training (ILT) in Percipio. Adding instructor-led training in Percipio provides access to all learning opportunities in one place including online courses, videos, books, and labs. When all learning happens in one place, you can easily analyze data trends and adjust your programs to better meet learners' needs.
Get started with Live Courses
To get started with anything pertaining to live courses, from the Content menu, select Live Course (ILT). The Live Course list page displays.
The list is filtered to show only content you created. You can view items created by others by changing the filter for Created by. You can download the Live Course list to a CSV file.
How it works
As an administrator, you set up instructor-led training (ILT) by specifying when and where the training takes place, any instructions for attendance and completion, who teaches it, and how learners enroll. One instructor-led training class could be one day or span multiple days.
Instructors are Percipio users who teach a live course. They can manage the roster for classes they are teaching, including registering learners, moving learners off the waitlists and marking completions.
Learners register for the training and Percipio sends calendar invitations with attendance details. After learners attend the training, either in a designated classroom or using a virtual meeting tool, such as Webex or Zoom, they receive a completion that also appears in their learning activity.
You can follow a best practice workflow for managing your live courses.
Understand the Basics
If you have not used instructor-led training in Percipio before, review the following.
If you are migrating from Skillport:
Common Tasks
The following are common tasks that administrators and instructors perform:
- Manage the location and classroom list
- Managing Class Attributes
- Manage the instructor list
- Create a live course
- Add a new class to a live course
- Manage class registrations, waitlists, and completions
- Make changes to or delete live courses and classes
Frequently asked questions

Differences between Skillport ILT and Percipio live courses can be found here.

When you add instructor-led training, learners see it as a live course under the Type filter. Learners see Skillsoft online courses as a course under the Type filter.
When viewing reports and dashboards, you can filter on the Asset type: Scheduled content - live course.

Learners can search and browse for instructor-led training in the Percipio library as they can with all other types of learning. They can filter on live course as a Type to easily locate instructor-led training. They will see instructor-led training under the Attend tab when viewing channels.
If a class date is less than 30 days out, learners can see a calendar banner on the home page. See live courses for learners for additional details on the learner interface and actions they can take.

By default, users with a role of site admin, content curator, or content coordinator can create and edit live courses and classes. For learning admins and managers you can add the privilege of creating and editing live courses and classes.

Yes. After you create instructor-led training and add it to a published channel in the library, you can select it when adding content to a new assignment. Learners have to register for a class and attend, then instructors or administrators mark the class complete for credit.

You cannot bulk add class attributes, locations or classrooms at this time.
You can bulk add instructors by running a user bulk import and setting the isinstructor
column to Yes.