Edit Standard and Create Custom Emails

Use the standard emails with the default values, or edit them to meet the needs of your organization.

In order to use custom emails, create new ones with the templates provided.


  • Only some fields in the standard emails can be edited.
  • Each standard email can only have one existing version at a time.
  • Editing standard emails does not create a new version of the email.
  • You can reset standard emails to return all fields to the default value.
  • Editing any active email will deactivate it. You must check the Active box in order to reactivate the email.
  • You can create multiple versions of custom emails.
  • Emails are not translated automatically to the learners chosen site language. If you want learners to receive emails in their local language, you need to create the email in that language and send to the specific audience who should receive it.

All emails contain the following three sections where the information may be edited, but the information in these sections may not be the same in all emails:

  • Content - includes the From/To fields, the subject line, the data sort order, and the email body text. See Editing the Contents for more information.
  • Distribution List - in standard emails, includes the list of recipients. In custom emails, includes the options you select in order to target the emails to a specific list of recipients. See Editing the Distribution List for more information.
  • Schedule - includes the start date in all emails, and the frequency in some emails. See Editing the Schedule for more information.

Additionally, all emails contain the following two areas for reviewing the information:

  • Review Setup: review options such as start date, frequency, and distribution list.
  • Preview Email: See an example of the email body, excluding actual data.
  • See Review and Preview for more information.