New Features and Enhancements as of February 24, 2023
Expanding skills of your workforce
The items in this section provide ways to grow your talent and fill critical skill gaps, building mastery with confidence.

Help your learners get the specific skills needed to be an outstanding performer in their current role or to learn new skills needed for their next role. Coming soon, when learners add a job role to their user profile, Percipio will recommend role-specific content so they can acquire those skills.
With the initial release, we mapped skills to over 100 common job roles and identified content to acquire those skills. Look for more information in our next release communications!
Prompting learners to add their job role will be on by default. If you do not want your learners to be prompted when this feature goes live, you can turn it off from Settings > Site Configuration > Site Features, then unselect Allow Percipio to collect job role from learners.
Engaging your learners to build a learning culture
The items in this section provide ways to engage your users so they want to learn and make learning a habit.

If learners have access to Live Learning (instructor-led) content, they now see a Live Learning tab within the My Learning section on the home page. This tab shows:
- Up to three cards of registered classes if the learner registered for classes
- A link that takes the learner to the Live Course Calendar to view and register for upcoming classes.
This tab replaces the Live Course banner on the Percipio home page.

The Percipio interface now includes support for hosted custom content in the following English language derivatives:
- English (Australia)
- English (Canada)
- English (India)
- English (New Zealand)
- English (United Kingdom)

When a learner's middle initial or suffix is added or updated, the changes are now properly reflected in NASBA certificates that were previously issued.
Manage, promote, and measure learning
The items in this section provide the tools you need to manage users and content, promote learning, and measure learning effectiveness on your bottom line.

Learners may need to complete the same course at regular intervals to meet business requirements, such as yearly training or certification. Percipio now allows for:
- Learners to restart a Skillsoft online course any time they want (this does not include custom courses at this time).
- Admins to require learners to restart a course that is added to an assignment.
When learners restart a course, a new record is added to their My Activity page and to the Learner Activity, User Detail, and User Summary reports.
This feature is only available for Percipio direct customers and not integration customers at this time.

Prior to the release of role-based learning, we are introducing a new setting that allows you to decide what your learners experience. By default, Percipio will prompt the learner to specify their job role. You can chose to disable this prompt now before it goes live.
From Settings > Site Configuration > Site Features, unselect Allow Percipio to collect job role from learners.
For more information on this setting, see Site Features.

To help you find Skillsoft courses in another language when you are building custom channels and journeys, we now display the course code on the Overview tab of the course player.
For more information on how to find a course in a different language, see Courses.