New Features and Enhancements as of March 10, 2023
Engaging your learners to build a learning culture
The items in this section provide ways to engage your users so they want to learn and make learning a habit.

We retrained our AI recommendation model so it is much better at suggesting the next content item that you may want to take. Recommendations are now based on the recent activity of other learners who took the same content item and the sequence that these learners followed after taking that content.
For more details on how recommendations are generated, see Recent Activity in Recommended Content.

To help learners stay engaged and better retain knowledge learned during a course, they now see randomized test questions. Learners no longer get the same questions in the same order when they retake an assessment.

To enable more of your learners to follow the video dialogue in their native language, machine-translated closed captions are now available for Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Georgian, Macedonian, Kazakh, and Serbian, bringing the total language count to 45.
Compliance, Ecosystems, and Integrations
The items in this section help you to integrate Percipio across your learning ecosystem and promote how Skillsoft works with its partners.

To allow learners to easily access their Skillsoft Coaching account from Percipio in the future, your Skillsoft Coaching CSM can now turn on the option: Show a link in the user's profile menu that opens their Skillsoft Coaching account for you for that user.
Learner access coming soon:
- If this setting is on, learners will see a Skillsoft Coaching link under their My Profile. Selecting this setting does not create an account for the user in Skillsoft Coaching. You need to work with your Skillsoft account team to create user accounts in Skillsoft Coaching.
- Selecting the Skillsoft Coaching link from My Profile, takes the learner directly to their Skillsoft Coaching home page.

A new CSV report is now available within Percipio Compliance under General Administrative Reports which gives administrators an overview of retired content currently on their site. The purpose of the report is to assist administrators in identifying retired content so they may take the necessary steps to modify assignments and learning programs accordingly. With the ability to filter on the last run date, the report includes:
- Courses that have been moved to a retired status
- The number of learning programs that contain the retired course
- The number of group assignments that contain the retired course
- The number of individual assignments that contain the retired course
For more information on this report, see the Retired Courses Library report.

The Training Status report under the Group Reports section in Percipio Compliance now contains a new field titled Completed Language. The new field indicates the language the leaner completed the asset in if it was in a language other than English.

In Percipio Compliance, when you go to Audiences > Learning Plan Assignment, and select Assign for a particular audience, you now only see assignments made directly to that audience. Previously, you would see assignments made to parent audiences of the selected audience. Even though those inherited assignments no longer display on this page for the selected audience, all assignments still exist for the learner and still follow the Stringency and Business rules.
With this change:
- You can now search for a course that may already be assigned to a parent audience and assign it at this audience level. Stringency and Business rules apply.
- You can still see what assignments a particular user has and how they were assigned. From Users > Learning Plan Assignments, select the user to view their assignments. You can see those inherited through an audience assignment and those made directly to the user.
- Inherited assignments no longer show on the Learning Plan Assignments by Demographic report.
This change resolves challenges introduced by several Percipio audience scenarios:
- Overlapping audiences (where only a subset of users from 2 audiences are shared)
- Inclusion of individual users versus inclusion by attribute match