New Features and Enhancements (January 2019)
The following new features and enhancements are available as of:
January 26, 2019

You can now copy custom channels the same way you copy stock channels. This applies to custom channels that are both single view and multi-view, in any available languages.
For more information, see Custom Channels. For procedures, see Copy a Single-view Channel and Copy a Multi-view Channel.

You can now rate custom content directly from the home page. You can also see how many other learners in your organization rated it.
For more information, see Content rating.

If enabled, you can share content with others from your mobile device. When you share a content item, you have the option to send the link via any app on your phone. Sharing content creates a direct link to the specific content item. Access the share option from the more actions menu.
For more information see Share Content.

A content UUID is an internal Percipio code used with third-party learner management systems. There is a new Content UUID column in the Content Access report, Assignments report, and Collections report. The Content UUID column also displays in the downloaded Learner Activity CSV file.
For more information, see Content Access Report, Assignments Report, Collections Report, and Learner Activity Report.

Dashboard loading times are improved.

The search filters now have asset counts for the returned results.
For more information, see Filter by type in the Search topic.
January 12, 2019

The Mobile App is now available in French, German, and Spanish. If you have content available to you in any of these supported languages, you can change the language on the Mobile App Settings page. Immediately after you select a language, the Mobile App interface changes to the new language. Content displayed on the Mobile App Home page also changes to the new language, if available. This does not apply to content under Resume Learning.
For more information see Percipio Mobile Language Settings.

When adding content to a custom channel, you can now see the number of assets within each modality. When an item is added, the modality number turns yellow for the modality in which it was placed.
For more information, see the Add content to the channel step in the following topics:

When you search in Percipio, the search now finds matches within full book texts, instead of only the top-level book overview and back cover text.

The Percipio Admin Training site provides training and support for new Percipio Admins. It gives step-by-step instructions for setting up your Percipio site, and includes video tutorials, reference documentation, printable resources, and more. There is also a new video, Getting Started with Percipio Admin, which highlights the top five tasks admins need to get their site up and running.