New Features and Enhancements (as of December 11, 2021)
Expanding skills of your workforce
The items in this section provide ways to grow your talent and fill critical skill gaps, building mastery with confidence.

You can now get related content without interrupting your learning. The new You Might Also Like section provides up to five personalized recommendations that best match what you are currently watching. It does not show courses you completed.
At this time You Might Also Like is available for English courses only. It is not available for integration customers launching with a Chromeless experience.

The Percipio app for MS Teams now:
- Supports displaying all tabs in dark mode if the learner has MS Teams set that way.
- Contains a My Profile tab that displays the Account Information page and shows links to other profile pages including Playlists, Activities, and Digital Badges.
Engaging your learners to build a learning culture
The items in this section provide ways to engage your users so they want to learn and make learning a habit.

For all Skillsoft courses, learners can now post questions and share answers about content. Any conversations between learners are only visible within your organization. Learners can:
- ‘Like’ the questions and answers they find valuable.
- Edit and delete their posted questions and answers.
- Opt to follow discussions of interest and receive activity notifications for those discussions.
- Report the inappropriate questions and answers to ensure a positive environment.
Admins can delete any questions or answers to maintain good standards, whether reported or not.
For more details, see Questions and Answers (Q&A).

Learners can now set and manage goals and track their progress from their Percipio website. Previously, this was just available for mobile users. Any goals set from the mobile app sync to the web view and vice versa.
For more details, see Learning Goals.
Manage, promote and measure learning
The items in this section provide the tools you need to manage users and content, promote learning, and measure learning effectiveness on your bottom line.

Skillsoft partners with many content providers to give your learners access to the best resources available to improve their skills. In most cases learners do not know they are accessing partner content because it is integrated within Skillsoft areas, subjects, channels, and Aspire Journeys.
Skillsoft makes no guarantees for partner content, that is why we offer three switches to allow you to control what your learners see.
You can access these setting from the Settings menu, then Site Configuration, and Content Settings. The settings are:
- Content that does not conform to accessibility standards. On by default, allows learners to see all content regardless of accessibility conformance.
- Content that requires additional purchase. Off by default, learners do not see content requiring an additional purchase.
- Content that requires personally identifiable information (PII). On by default, allows learners to see content that requires them to sign up with name and email.
For more details, see Content Settings.

You can now customize the learning admin and manager roles with content management privileges. If either learning admins or managers add or update any content, including library areas and subjects, journeys, channels, content items and live courses, the changes apply to the entire Percipio site. However, these roles can only assign custom content to users in audiences that they own.
See Role Customization for details on how to add this permission and User Roles for additional details.

Live Course has two new features:
- Course roster: Any Percipio role with roster privileges, except instructors, can now download the course roster as a CSV file. This file contains a list of learners who have interacted with at least one class associated with the course. The learners are grouped by class title and status. To download the course roster:
- From the Content menu, select Live Course.
- Locate the course in the list, then select the Actions menu
and Download course roster.
- Class audit report: Any Percipio role with Live Course permissions, can download an audit history trail to see who made changes to learner registrations and when, including registrations, approvals, denials, and cancellations.
- From the Content menu, select Live Course.
- Locate the class in the list, then select the Actions menu
and Download class audit.
For more details, see Other roster actions.

If you have several custom content items that are links to other sites, you can now use Bulk Import to add them to Percipio.
- From the Content menu, select Content items.
- Select Add custom content item.
- Select External links (CSV template)from the second row.
- Follow the instructions onscreen to upload your links to Percipio.
For more details, see Bulk Import Multiple External Links. The ability to update content items in bulk is coming in Q1 2022.

To require users without an email address on their Percipio account to add security questions and answers:
- From the Settings menu, select Site configuration.
- Select Security and login.
- First select Prompt users without email on file to provide security questions and answers, then select the option Make security questions and answers collection mandatory.
For more details, see Security.

You will notice several changes to the Assignment Dashboard including:
- The chart now contains the number of canceled assignments.
- The Progress section now shows the top 10 assignment titles and the titles are hyper-linked to the assignment detail report for that assignment.
- The Progress section now shows a new %overdue column.
- A link to the Assignment summary report
For more details, see Assignment Dashboard.
Ecosystems and Integrations
The items in this section help you to integrate Percipio across your learning ecosystem and promote how Skillsoft works with its partners.

Coming in early January, compliance administrators will be able to add more than one configuration to a single course allowing for multiple versions of the same course for different audiences and use cases. A configuration is the addition of non-instructional information such as an introduction, policy, or summary to a Skillsoft compliance course.
Each configuration is treated as a separate course that can be assigned and reported on.
For more details, see Configure a course.

If a Percipio Compliance-only user does not have email ID and security questions and answers, Percipio now prompts them to enter their email address. If the user does not enter an email address, Percipio prompts the user to specify security questions and answers.
Usability Enhancements
The items in this section show where we are making improvements to the interface for a better experience.

After December 10, 2021, users will no longer be able to access Percipio using the Internet Explorer browser (IE). Users logging in using IE will receive a message that support has ended and that to continue using Percipio, they must switch to a supported browser, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Safari.

All Percipio pages and features in the app are now optimized to work in a landscape orientation on tablet devices. Previously, users could only view Percipio in a portrait orientation using the app on a tablet device.