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Library Workflow

Video icon Watch: Manage the Library

To set up the Library

  1. Customize the order and grouping of content from within the stock and custom content folders to best meet your organization's learning goals and objectives.
  2. Create browse views for learners to group content according to your preferred browsing metaphors.
  3. Create Featured Topic folders.
  4. Assign the Curator role as a custom privilege to one or more learners. Curators can add and remove content from the Featured Topics area via the learner user interface (UI).
  5. Create a series to explicitly order content and convey (but not enforce) a preferred completion order.

    Note: If you want to enforce an order of completion for content, create a learning program.

  6. Hide (or unhide) specific assets to display only relevant content for your organization.

After you have organized your library content, you need to entitle and/or assign the content to learners.

To make content available to learners

  1. Entitle content to learners.
  2. Assign content to your learners' Assigned Learning tab.
  3. Assign content to your learners' Development Plan set.