Skillsoft Compliance Course Players

You may experience two different course players depending on the compliance content you are accessing:

Compliance course player

When you play Skillsoft compliance courses, you see a course player with the following components:

  1. Course contents: This is the table of contents for the course. It shows a list of the topics within the course and the order that they play. You can collapse this panel for a bigger viewing area. For each topic listed in the table of contents, you see the number of pages included and the time it takes to complete all pages within the topic.
  2. Start Test: Select the Start Test button to open the course test. When you've successfully passed the test based on the completion criteria, you see the course marked Complete in your Compliance activity.
  3. Course status: Available course statuses are Not started, Started, and Complete. The View completion status link displays the requirements that must be met in order for the course to be marked as completed. If you do not start playing any videos or access any resources, the course status stays as Not started..
  4. Action icons: The action icons vary depending on how your site is configured. You may see:
    • Give Feedback: The Give Feedback icon only displays when the Course Feedback setting is selected. Select the Give Feedback icon to open the course survey.
    • Share: The Share icon only displays when the Allow sharing of content setting is selected. Select the Share icon to share the entire course or individual videos with peers by email or copy a direct link.
    • More actions: Select the Actions icon, actions menu icon, gray elipse, to do one of the following:
      • Save for later: Adds the course or individual videos to your playlist so you can easily find and view them later.
      • Playlist add/remove: If enabled for your site, allows you to add this item to a specific playlist that you created.
      • Restart the course: Creates a new record for a course completion. For details, see Restart the course.
      • Learn together: If enabled on your site, allows you to collaborate and Learn together. You invite others to review the content and discuss it so everyone can increase their knowledge and skills in a supportive environment.
      • Schedule learning time: Allows you to configure and send calendar invitations containing links to the content so you can make time for learning in your busy schedule. For more information, see Schedule learning time.
    • Help: Opens a page with details of the course player.
  5. Player Control bar: Allows you to control the playing of the course. You can play, pause, rewind or jump to the next item in the Contents.
    • Within topic navigation: Some topics have multiple pages. You can advance through the pages with these controls
    • Between topic navigation: Allows you to navigate between topics on the Contents menu. You can only go to the next topic after you complete the current topic. If you previously viewed a topic, you can use these controls to go back and forth between those topics.
    • CC — Closed Captions:Toggles the closed captions on or off.
    • AD — Audio Description: Turns audio descriptions on. The setting you choose persists across all courses until you change them.
    • Settings: Opens options to adjust how the course plays. The settings you choose persist across all courses until you change them.
      • Autoplays: When selected, the player automatically plays the next video in the table of contents.
      • Speed: Choose how fast the player plays the course. You can select from 0.5 – 2 times.
      • Caption size: Allows you to choose the size of the text that displays.
      • Keyboard shortcuts: Select to view the keyboard shortcuts available for controlling the player.
    • Volume: Adjust the volume that the course plays.
    Note: If the completion settings require you to play the full audio or video before proceeding, you won't have access to the player audio controls. Instead, you can adjust the volume directly through your browser or device.
    • Full screen:Select the icon to have the course play at full screen.
  6. Overview: The Overview tab displays a brief overview of the course's content, prerequisites, target audience, first publication date, last revision, and library ID. You can also see the course code which can aid in finding a localized version of the course..
  7. Resources A resource is supplemental content that enhances your learning experience. A Web-based resource (HTML Resource) opens in the main content area, while other external files open in a default application configured on your system (example: Microsoft Excel™). Some resource files may prompt you to download them.

  8. Note: Not all courses have resources. This tab is only available if resources are included with the course.
  9. Completion and Test Status: This section shows you what is required to complete the course.
  10. General Settings:
  11. Displays several settings to enhance your course play, including:

    • Video: Enables or disables video playback. When disabled, the player displays a static version of the page.
    • Animations: Enables or disables animations playback.
    • Keyboard Accessibility Hints: Displays shortcut commands for interactive exercises within the course.
    • Auto-start Audio and Video: Enables or disables auto-start of video and audio content after the page launches. This happens only when in accessibility mode.

Compliance legacy course player

When you view custom content or legacy Skillsoft Compliance courses, you see the Compliance legacy course player. The following links detail the legacy course player.