New Features and Enhancements (as of December 17, 2022)
Expanding skills of your workforce
The items in this section provide ways to grow your talent and fill critical skill gaps, building mastery with confidence.

Previously, if you launched a course or book without interacting with any of its content, Percipio considered it Started. Courses and books you started in this manner displayed in your Resume learning strip (now Recent learning tab) and in your Activity list. This created a long list of content items that was not necessarily relevant to your learning. Now, if you launch:
- a course, you must play a video, access a resource, or take the test for Percipio to consider the course Started.
- a book, you must advance at least one page for Percipio to consider the book Started.
The started course or book displays in your Recent learning tab (formerly Resume learning strip) and your Activity list.
Only started courses and books show in the Content Access and the Learner Activity reports. You may now notice fewer rows in these reports going forward because of the new definition of Started. We are considering adding a way for you to track content accesses that have not been started, stay tuned.

To ensure learners get the best learning experience for the topic they are searching, we now show content that has been rated highly by other learners across Percipio at the top of the search results.
Engaging your learners to build a learning culture
The items in this section provide ways to engage your users so they want to learn and make learning a habit.

We heard that learners were overwhelmed with the choices on the Percipio home page and wanted more guidance. In answer to that, we created a new home page experience that better organizes content and provides more guidance. Key changes are as follows:
- In the top navigation, there is a new icon to better represent the Library. In addition, there is a new icon to access Achievements, and now only icons for language and profile.
- The Achievement icon when selected, shows the new web Achievement page. Similar in design to the mobile app, learners see key statistics on learning, how many badges and certificates earned, the number of learning days per month, and goal progress.
- Select the language icon to view and change the Percipio site language.
- If a learner has a first and last name specified as part of their Percipio profile, they see their initials instead of the icon. If they only have a first name specified, they see their first initial. If they only have a last name specified, they see the icon.
- A new My Learning section contains a separate tab each for all the learner's assignments, skill benchmarks, playlists, goals, and previously accessed items (now called Recent learning formerly called Resume learning). The tabs displayed vary depending on content entitlements, whether learners started any content, and how the admin configures Percipio. If users have access to skill benchmarks, Aspire journeys, and certifications, they see a new tab called Guide me which provides direction to help learners get started.
- Selected skills content is now organized into tabs within one strip preventing the need for excessive vertical scrolling.
- All content Recommendations are now grouped together in one strip. Learners see recommendations based on content previously accessed. They also see top-rated English course recommendations for each collection entitled (Business, Leadership, Technology).
Other changes you see that help learners have a better experience in Percipio include the following:
- Journeys, tracks, and channels now offer a View more option so learners can read the full description of a content item before opening it.
- When learners start an asset within a journey, the progress message on the journey and track landing pages now updates to Journey started and Track started.
- To help learners better understand the action they are taking on a course they previously started or completed, the Start course button now displays as Open course.

When you view the Live Course Calendar, you now see an option to Share calendar. You can send an email, copy a URL, or share directly in MS Teams. This option is available to all users of Percipio.
Manage, promote and measure learning
The items in this section provide the tools you need to manage users and content, promote learning, and measure learning effectiveness on your bottom line.

This new report helps you more easily report on learners' activity within Skillsoft bootcamps and leadercamps. For each learner the report shows the camp and class title, date, and time, total learning hours, status, and percent complete. This report answers questions such as: Which learners are taking bootcamps and leadercamps? Which camps are being most utilized? How much time have learners spent on bootcamps and leadercamps?
To access the report, select Analytics, then View all reports, then locate the report in the list.
For more information, see the Bootcamp and Leadercamp report.

You can now add a link that directs users to where they can get help from within your organization instead of directing them to Skillsoft Support. We recommend providing a URL to your company’s internal FAQ or Support page.
Learners can access the link from the Get Support button on the Help page or the Get Support link after selecting the Help link on the Login page.
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You can keep or disable Skillsoft support options in favor of your company’s internal support contact or link.
For more information on this setting, see Display additional help link.

Reminding learners that they registered for a live course increases the likelihood that they will actually attend. For both custom and Skillsoft live courses, such as Bootcamps and Leadercamps, you can now choose whether you want Percipio to send a single reminder email or a series of reminder emails.
When an email reminder series is turned on, learners receive emails 7 days, 3 days, and 1 day prior to training. Weekends are excluded. Research shows the series of three is most effective in getting learners to attend.
For more information on this setting, see Live course emails.

Admins who can manage a roster for a live course class now have the ability to mark users complete by uploading the user list as a CSV file.
For more information on how to use bulk import to mark users complete, see Mark the class complete and give a score.

Previously multi-factor authentication was only available for users logging into Percipio for the web. It is now available for users logging into the Percipio mobile app.
For more information, see Multi-factor authentication via email and Mobile log in.
Usability Enhancements
The items in this section show where we are making improvements to the interface for a better experience.

After December 16, 2022, if you complete a PMI bootcamp or leadercamp, you can download the completion certification from the PMI/PDU Activity page or from the Actions menu of the live course card like you would for any other PMI/PDU course. Previously, you had to submit a request for this certificate.
If you completed a PMI bootcamp or leadercamp prior to December 16, 2022, you can only locate the completion certificate from the Actions menu of the live course card. In a future release, you will be able to get the certificate from the PMI/PDU page.

Previously, the status indicator would not show Started until learners completed at least one item in the Journey. Now learners see Started if they interacted with any content item in a track of the journey.

To help learners decipher types of external learning, learners no longer see the value of Unknown in the Type column of their External Learning list. The Unknown value is now populated by the value coming from Skillport. In addition, when learners enter their own external learning, they can now only enter score values from 1 to 100.