New Features and Enhancements as of March 24, 2023
Expanding skills of your workforce
The items in this section provide ways to grow your talent and fill critical skill gaps, building mastery with confidence.

Help your learners get the specific skills needed to be an outstanding performer in their current role or to learn new skills needed for their next role. Now, when learners add a job role to their user profile, Percipio recommends role-specific content so they can acquire those skills.
With the initial release, we mapped skills to over 131 common job roles and identified content to acquire those skills. Currently, job roles are only available for US English, but other locales are under evaluation for future releases. For additional information about job roles in your company, see the FAQ.
Learner experience:
- During onboarding learners are prompted to enter their job role.
- Once specified, on the Recommendations for you strip, learners see a tab entitled with the job role they selected. The tab contains recommended content to attain skills associated with that role.
- Learner can change their role at any time.
Admin setting:
Prompting learners to add their job role is on by default. If you do not want your learners to be prompted, you can turn it off from Settings > Site Configuration > Site Features, then unselect Allow Percipio to collect job role from learners.

To help learners more accurately show skill gain, the score of their skill benchmark results now shows on a 5-level scale instead of a 3-level scale. The numeric score previously achieved does not change, but the level where the score falls may change. With 5 levels, both learners and admins can easily see progress being made and skills being gained. This refinement also helps you as admins better calibrate learning required to advance skill levels according to business needs.
Learners see the new score chart when viewing a Skill Benchmark.
You, as admins, see the new levels in the Skill Benchmark Overview dashboard along with a new Skill Gain tab that shows how learners are increasing their skills. You can see how many proficient learners there are in your organization and how they are distributed among different skills. On the Skill Benchmark dashboard, you also see a proficiency over time chart helping you to see your learners' progress and where you might need to intervene to continue improving.
The new levels and ranges are:
- Novice (0-9 points): The new calibration of Novice identifies learners who demonstrate no familiarity with the topics critical for the skill.
- Aspiring (10-49 points): This new level identifies learners who demonstrate minimal capabilities for a specific skill and need a significant learning investment to achieve proficiency.
- Developing (50-69 points): The new calibration of Developing identifies learners who demonstrate some proficiency with a specific skill and only need to close a few knowledge gaps to achieve proficiency.
- Proficient (70-89 points): The new calibration of Proficiency identifies learners who demonstrate a level of capability with the skill that indicates they are ready to start applying the skill to practical challenges in their work. We recommend that learners intending to practice a skill achieve Proficiency in the appropriate benchmark for that skill.
- Advanced (90-100 points): This new level identifies learners who demonstrate a thorough understanding of the skill and may be candidates to mentor other learners within your organization.
Engaging your learners to build a learning culture
The items in this section provide ways to engage your users so they want to learn and make learning a habit.

You now have the ability to get a link directly to a book or audiobook chapter or section. You can share this link with other learners through email or MS Teams, or use the link to create a custom content item that you can then add to custom journeys and assignments.
For more information about generating the share link, see Share content.
For more information about creating a custom content item to use in custom journeys and assignments, see Create an external link.

A Trending tab now displays on the Recommendations for you strip on the home page. This tab shows the most popular content in your organization based on activity from the prior week.

If you created custom linked content, and enabled the setting: Allow learners to enter time spent for non-tracked content items, learners can now enter the time they spent learning on that item. When they enter a time, it counts toward total learning hours in reports and towards a learner's weekly goals.
Learners can enter time from the More actions option on content cards shown in channels, journeys, playlists, activity, and search pages.

To help learners remember important concepts or ideas they want to action later, they can now enter notes while watching a course or listening to an audiobook.
Learners see a Notes tab in the course and audiobook player when you turn on: Allow note taking. When learners add a note while learning, the note is associated with a time stamp. Learners can categorize notes by entering a hashtag, then view all notes they took at a later time from the Notes page their profile.
For more information on taking notes, see Notes.

The due date display on the landing page for assignments has been updated to include the year in addition to the month and day. This enhancement ensures that learners have an accurate reflection of year-long or long due dates and do not miss any upcoming deadlines.

To keep the Skillsoft library current with the latest, most valuable content, sometimes we retire older content. Once content is retired, learners can no longer access it.
To help learners gauge their time to complete content before it retires, they now see a notification. Notifications only display if the item is retiring in less than 90 days. The notifications show in two places:
- When learners launch content from anywhere in Percipio including assignments, journeys, and search results, they see a pop up dialog box indicating the date that the content is expiring.
- When the learner shares content with others, they see a yellow bar alert with the date the content is expiring.

The Live Course Calendar, for both web and mobile, now shows all courses by week enhancing how learners can find live content. Key updates include being able to:
- View all courses by week with month navigation
- View the course card instead of the class-level card
- Filter on Content Source (web only)

Books and audiobooks now remain in your Recent Learning until you remove them. Previously, once you read or listened to at least half a book or audiobook, they would be removed from Resume Learning because Percipio considered them complete.

The mobile app has the following updates:
- New mini-player: After you start a course, video, or live event, you can now select the mini-player icon from the upper left corner, which minimizes the player, but keeps playing the item. The mini-player has a play/pause and close control.
- When learners complete a course assessment and earn a badge, they will now be greeted with a celebratory moment. They can select View & Share badge button on the celebratory moment to go to Accredible and see their badge.
Manage, promote, and measure learning
The items in this section provide the tools you need to manage users and content, promote learning, and measure learning effectiveness on your bottom line.

If you regularly run reports to track learning progress, you now have an easier and time-saving way to do so. Set up a schedule to run daily, weekly, or monthly, and get notified when the report is ready to view. When you schedule a report, you can also identify others who should get notified when the report is ready.
When the report is ready to view and download, you and those you shared it with receive an email notification with a link that takes you directly to the report.
For more information about creating, modifying and sharing report schedules, see Schedule reports.

The Learning hours and Duration fields in reports, such as the Learner Activity report, now include time spent in knowledge checks and course tests for Skillsoft courses. Previously, this value only included the time spent watching videos. The new calculation should now give you a more accurate picture of how long users spend learning.

If your Percipio site allows users to self register, you now have the option to edit the user data before approving their request. You may need to do this to ensure the user gets added to the correct audiences defined by user attributes.
For more information, see Respond to Self Registration Requests.
Compliance, Ecosystems, and Integrations
The items in this section help you to integrate Percipio across your learning ecosystem and promote how Skillsoft works with its partners.

To allow learners to easily access their Skillsoft Coaching account from their profile menu in Percipio, your Skillsoft Coaching CSMs can now turn on the option: Show a link in the user's profile menu that opens their Skillsoft Coaching account for you for that user.
The learner experience if the setting is on means:
- Learners see a Skillsoft Coaching link under their My Profile. Selecting this setting does not create an account for the user in Skillsoft Coaching. You need to work with your Skillsoft account team to create user accounts in Skillsoft Coaching.
- Learners are automatically logged into Skillsoft Coaching when they select the link from Percipio.
- When learners select the Skillsoft Coaching link from My Profile, they see their Skillsoft Coaching home page.

Site admins and learning admins who use Percipio in English, now see an Explore menu. From the Explore menu, you see options that can help you maximize Percipio in your organization through other Skillsoft Offerings, Skillsoft Content Partners, and Skillsoft Integration Partners.