My Learning

Your My Learning page contains all of the information you need about your past, current and upcoming learning. To access this page, select My Learning from the left navigation bar. You will see a page containing the following:

  1. Profile Banner: Shows your name, job role, email, profile picture, as well as accomplishments.
  2. Activity:
    • Assignments: Shows the content that has been assigned to you by an admin or manager, along with its due date.
    • Live Learning: Shows you the Live Learning courses you have registered for. If you are not registered for any Live Learning, you can select Explore Live Learning which will show you Live Learning that is available to you.
    • Learning Activity: Shows you a list of content that you have started or completed.
    • Programs: Shows a list of all of your programs which are shared learning experiences.
    • Study Groups: Shows the content that you have invited others to learn with you, or that others have invited you to learn alongside them.
    • Skill Benchmarks: Shows benchmarks which you have started or completed. Benchmarks serve as a way to gauge your proficiency on certain topics.
    • Playlists: Shows the content that you have saved either by selecting the Save for Later button, or by adding it to a specific playlist.
    • Notes and Reflections: Shows notes and reflections that you have added to any content you have started or completed.
  3. Accomplishments:
    • Achievements: Shows your badges, completions and certificates as well as your learning goal progress and the leaderboard.
    • Leaderboard: Show you how you rank among your peers and colleagues within your company.
    • Digital Badges: Shows you all of the badges you have earned by completing specific content and learning new skills.
    • Completion certificates: Allows you to download certificates of completion for any content that you have completed.
  4. Personalization:
    • Role and Skill Ratings: Allows you to add/change your role, and rate skills relevant to your role so that your My Percipio can show you the most relevant content.
    • Skill Interests: Allows you to choose specific topics that you are interested in so that My Percipio can recommend content for you.
    • My Settings: Shows you your user profile information including email and password, as well as notification, leaderboard and language settings.

Note: You may not see all of these tiles in your My Learning page. In this case either:

  • You do not have any content relevant to that category,
  • Your site admin has disabled that feature.