Notifications and Learner Engagement

Percipio-generated emails and push notifications, along with Digital Badges, can help you increase license consumption and adoption of Percipio content offerings. Admins can customize some email notifications, and not others.

About email notifications

Users only receive email notifications if they have an email address defined for their Percipio user account and an admin configures the system to send them. From the My Settings page, users can add an email address and choose which email notifications they wish to receive.

Admins can customize some email notifications.

Learner email notifications:

A learner could receive any of the following email notifications based on admin settings and configurations:

  • Assignment emails: These emails go to learners when they receive an assignment and also to remind them to complete the assignment as the due date approaches. Learners cannot disable these notifications. Admins can choose whether to send these emails when they create an assignment. Admins can customize this email.
  • Learning program emails: These emails go to learners when they are invited to join a learning program and also to remind them to complete the learning program as the due date approaches. Learners cannot disable these notifications, but can choose the frequency they receive them. Admins can choose whether to send these emails when they create a learning program. Admins can customize this email.
  • Career journey emails: Learners cannot disable these notifications. Admins can choose whether to send these emails after they associate a Career Journey license pool with an audience. Admins can't customize this email.
  • Welcome emails: Learners cannot disable these notifications. Admins can choose whether to send these emails when they create a Percipio user account. Admins can customize this email.
  • Recommendation emails and Re-engagement emails: Percipio sends these emails weekly which recommend content to learners encouraging them to learn. Learners can opt out of these by turning off: Learning Reminders (once a week). Admins can choose to turn off these system-generated emails for all learners in the company. Admins can customize re-engagement emails, but not recommendation emails.
  • Monthly learning digest emails: Percipio sends a monthly email to all active users highlighting their learning activity. Learners can opt out of these by turning off: Monthly learning digest (once a month). Admins can choose to turn off these system-generated emails for all learners in the company. Admins can't customize these email notifications.
  • Live course emails: When learners register for a live course, bootcamp, or leadercamp, they get email reminders letting them know of any approvals, confirmations of class dates and times, and reminders to attend. Learners cannot disable these notifications. Admins can choose to turn off these system-generated emails for all users in the company. Admins can't customize these email notifications.
  • Digital Badge emails: Percipio sends a follow up email when a learner earns a badge, up to twice weekly. Learners can opt out of these by turning off: Badge Earned (up to twice weekly). Admins can choose to turn on these system-generated emails for all users in the company. Admins can't customize this email.
  • Password reset emails: If a learner requests to reset their password, Percipio sends an email.

A learner could receive any of the following email notifications based actions of other learners or manager:

Admin email notifications

An admin could receive any of the following email notifications from Percipio in addition to those received by learners:

  • Audience owner emails: When a user gets assigned an audience, they may receive an email letting them know. Users cannot disable these notifications. Admins can choose whether to send these emails when they make a user an owner of an audience. Admins can't customize this email.
  • Live course emails: These emails inform admins about low enrollment and approval requests. Users cannot disable these notifications. Admins can choose to turn on these system-generated emails for all users in the company. Admins can't customize these email notifications.
  • Retiring and recently added content emails: Users can disable this notification. Admins can choose to turn on these system-generated emails for all admins in the company that can access this report. Admins can't customize this email.
  • Action Required: Custom SMTP Authentication Failed: If your organization has specified an Alternate email address, and your SMTP authentication fails, all site admins receive an email notification alerting them to the problem with guidance for resolving authentication issues.
  • Badge summary email: These emails provide a summary to admins about how many badges were earned during the month. The email gets sent once per month and cannot be disabled.

Other emails that admins may receive from outside Percipio include, but are not limited to:

  • Account Support: These emails include license expiring and licenses available emails, updates to Support cases submitted, system outages or notifications, and CSAT surveys. You cannot opt out of these operational emails.

  • Marketing: These emails include newsletters, feature announcements, and best practices. You can opt out of these emails.

  • Other account emails: These include billing and order fulfillment type emails.

Additional information about emails

  • Percipio-generated emails are supported for both SAML and non-SAML users, based on your site configuration.
  • If you want emails to look like they come from your company, set the Alternate email address and Organization name.
  • Percipio-generated emails are accessible.
  • Recipients can open the emails on any device.
  • Supported languages include all Percipio site languages. You can set the default email language on the Email Settings page. The default language only applies until the learner logs in and sets their site language, then the learner gets the email in that language.
  • Learners can opt out of some emails at any time.
  • Percipio runs a nightly program to generate recommendation and re-engagement emails at approximately 12:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. UTC/GMT Monday through Friday. Your learners receive these emails only once per week on a specific day as designated for your Percipio site.
  • Learners receive Digital Badge emails on Mondays and Thursdays only if they have new badge activity.
  • You can choose to send a single Welcome email instead of the Welcome and reminder emails.
  • User data is encrypted.
  • No PII data is ever shared with third parties unless you designate it.
  • Users with a Percipio role of manager, see an additional section at the bottom of the Recommendation, Re-engagement, Digital Badge, or Audience owner emails as a way to encourage managers to promote learning with their teams. For every email, Percipio randomly chooses one of the following options to put in this section:
    1. Assign content to team (this option only displays if managers have the custom privilege to assign content.)
    2. Share recently accessed content with team
    3. Check on team’s progress

      Manager-only section of emails

About Digital Badges

Digital Badges are visual, sharable, and verifiable records of accomplishment enabling learners to socialize their achievements and growth. Digital Badges are issued upon successful completion of Skillsoft course assets delivered through Percipio.

For more information on Digital Badges, see Digital Badges for Learner Engagement.

About push notifications

Push notifications show for users who are using the Percipio mobile app. To receive push notifications, users must have push notifications turned on for the Percipio app and also have the individual notifications turned on. Admins cannot customize any push notifications.

Percipio-generated push notifications for the mobile app include:

  • Learning goal reminders: Admins can choose to turn on these system-generated emails for all users in the company. Users can disable them from the Settings menu in the mobile app.
  • Learning reinforcement push notifications: Admins can choose to turn on these system-generated emails for all users in the company. Users can disable them from the Settings menu in the mobile app.
  • Assignment push notifications: Users cannot disable these notifications. When admins make an assignment and choose to send an email, learners automatically get an assignment push notification.

Message center notifications

Learners also select the Bell icon on the Percipio homepage to view their notifications

A learner can see the following notifications in the message center:

  • Share content/playlist message: learner is notified about content and playlists shared by other Percipio users
  • Assignment reminders: learner is notified when they have an assignment that is not completed
  • Assignment overdue reminders: learner is notified when they have an assignment that is overdue
  • Assignment cancellation message: learner is notified when one of their assignment is cancelled by the admin
  • Learning program invitation message: learner is notified when they are invited to a learning program
  • Learning program enrollment message: learner is notified when they are enrolled into a learning program
  • Learning program reminders: learner is reminded about upcoming due dates in the learning program
  • Learning program completion message: learner receives a congratulatory message when they complete a learning program
  • Live course reminders: learner is notified about an upcoming live course that they have registered for. The reminder is sent 3 days before the event start date.
  • Live event modification message: learner receives an update when the live course they registered for is modified
  • Digital badge message: learner receives a celebratory message about badges they have earned in Percipio last week.
  • Q&A message: learner receives an update when there is a new activity in a Q&A discussion thread that they follow
  • Learning goal reminders: learner is reminded about their weekly learning goal and are nudged to complete their goal
  • Skill benchmark retake reminders: learner receives an update when a benchmark that they completed in the past is eligible for retake