Default User Privileges for Admins
The privileges below are listed in the order of pages as presented in Skillport Administrator.
Note: The privileges listed here are only those privileges available for this specific user role. For a full listing of all privileges in Skillport, see User Privileges for Company Admins.
By default, Admins do not have privileges for the Display or Configuration pages of Skillport Administrator. A Company Admin must assign the Display and Configuration custom user privileges to grant access to the pages, then specify which specific privileges he wishes to assign to the Admin.
Users & Groups Page
Admins can:
- view and manage the users and subgroups contained in their normal (organizational) group or advanced group
- assign only the assets that are entitled to them in the library
Privilege Description
Access to search and the following functionality:
New User/New Group pages
Access to the Users & Groups page, and the following functionality:
User/Group Info tab
Access to the User and Group information tab and the following functionality:
Group Info tab
Access to the Group Info tab and the following functionality:
Catalog Assignment tab
Access to the Catalog Assignment tab and the following functionality:
Learning Plan Assignment tab
Access to the Learning Plan Assignment tab and all functionality, including:
If Development Plans are enabled on your site, this privilege also grants access to the Development Plan Assignment tab all functionality, including:
Enrollments and Waivers tab
Access to the Enrollments and Waivers tab, and all functionality, including:
Books24x7 Assignment tab
Access to the Books24x7 Assignment tab, where you can entitle book collections to users and groups in your hierarchy.
Send Email
Send an email to a combination of individual users and group members through Skillport.
Content Page
Admins can:
- assign only the content items that are entitled to them in the library
Privilege Description
Access to the Catalog, where you can view stock and custom content available to your organization.
Learning Programs
Access to the Learning Programs page and all available functionality, including:
Access to the Evaluations page and all available functionality, including:
Access to the Credentials page and all available functionality, including:
Display Page
Admins who are members of an advanced group can:
- configure some Display settings for only their advanced group
Admins who are *not* members of an advanced group can:
- configure some Display settings for the site
Function/Page/ Setting
Privilege Description
Admin (not in advanced group)
Admin (in advanced group)
See What's New
Access to the See What's New page and all functionality, including:
Sign In/Logout Options
Access to the Login/Logout page, where you can configure the following Skillport Learner pages:
Navigation: Navigation
Access to the Navigation page and all functionality, including:
- Set the default page for Skillport Learner
- Show/hide pages in the Skillport header
- Reorder pages in the Skillport header
Navigation: Quick Links
Access to the Quick Links page, where you can configure and create Quick Links for your learners.
Navigation: Toolbar
Access to the Toolbar page, where you can configure the Skillport Toolbar.
Player Skins
Access to the Skins Options page, where you can:
- Set the skins directory for the Skillsoft Course Player (SCP)
- Set a custom logo image for the SCP
Access to the Registration page, where you can configure the layout and appearance of the New User Registration page for new Skillport learners.
Web Site Colors
Access to the Web Site Colors page, where you can modify the color scheme of your Skillport site.
Text: Login Text Customizations
Access to the Login Text Customizations page, where you can modify the text presented to your users when they open the Skillport Sign In page
Web Site Settings
Access to the Web Site Settings page and includes the following functionality:
- Change the desktop header image
- Change the mobile header image
- Change the Org Code label
- Show/hide the "Powered by" logo
- Specify a logo image URL
Configuration Page
Admins in an advanced group can:
- configure some Configuration settings for only their advanced group
Admins *not* in an advanced group can:
- configure some Configuration settings for the site
Function/Page/ Setting
Privilege Description
Admin (not in advanced group)
Admin (in advanced group)
Features: Books24x7
Access to the Books24x7 page and the following functionality:
Features: inGenius
Access to the inGenius page (which controls the Community feature in Skillport) and the following functionality:
Completion Criteria
Access to the Completion Criteria page and the following functionality:
Learning Plan Settings
Access to the Learning Plan Settings page and all functionality, including:
- Enable Learning Plan reminders
- Enable Learning Plan overdue notices
- Enable Learning Plan Due Dates
- Configure the way the Learning Plan is presented to learners
Access to the Configure Search Parameters page, where you can configure the way search results display in Skillport Learner and Skillport Administrator.
Access to the Self Registration page and all functionality, including:
- Enable Self Registrations
- Define the list of allowed email suffixes
- Inclusion/exclusion of usernames in the Self Registration email
- Define all Admin email addresses
- Enable user-defined passwords for the site
User Profile
Access to the User Profile Fields pages and all functionality, including:
Access to the Configure Language Settings page, where you can select the default Search language for search results, for your learners.
Report Configuration
Access to the Report Configuration page, where you can modify the Certificate of Completion settings.
Reports Page
Admins can:
- run reports on the users and subgroups contained in their normal (organizational) group or advanced group, and on the assets that are entitled to them in the library
Privilege Description
Full access to all Skillsoft reporting features and functionality. See Reports for a complete listing of functionality.