Permissions by Role

The tables below list the permissions available to each administrative role. An X indicates permissions that are on by default, and a C indicates that the permission can be turned on for that role. To customize a role, see Role Customization. All default permissions can be turned off.

The domain admin role, a specific role for multi-site and granted by your Skillsoft account team, has the same permissions as the site admin role plus specific multi-site management functions. If you want domain administrators to be able to access the Learning Edge, please contact your Skillsoft account team.

The system integrator role must be turned on by your Skillsoft account team. This role has limited admin capability including access only to the Users menu, custom content options, and reporting. They can access the System integration option from the Settings menu that allows them to configure SAML, SFTP, and content imports and exports with other systems in their learning environment.

The custom admin roles, is a role you configure. You start with either the learning admin or site admin as the base role for default permissions and customize from there. You can configure the custom roles different from the base role to create a unique role for your organization.

The lists are organized by the sections of the Percipio admin menu. Items bolded in blue correspond to options in the Role Customization interface. Hyperlinked items not showing in bold are functions included as part of the bolded item. When you see an X, the setting is on by default, but can be turned off. If you see a C, the item is off by default, but can be turned on. You cannot turn off settings for a site admin without speaking to your Skillsoft account team.

Note: If you change a user's role, the updated permissions show within minutes for the user without them having to log out.


This video is part of the Percipio Certification: Admin Essentials Journey located on your Percipio site. Complete the journey and you could earn a badge.

User Management

If you grant user privileges to learning admins or managers, they can only perform those functions within audiences that they own.

Permission Site Admin Learning Admin + Custom roles Manager Content Curator Content Coordinator
Users > User management
View users x c c    
Create users x c c    
     Send a welcome email x c c    
     Import users x c      
Edit users x c c    
Users > User attributes
View user attributes x c      
    Create and assign new user attributes x        
Users > Audience management
View audiences x c cClosedKnown issue: If you select this option, you must also select the privilege to either Manage Content or Manage Journeys    
    Create a new audience x        
    Edit an audience x        
    Add an audience owner to an existing audience x        
    Add a user to an existing audience x        
    Associate a custom channel to an audience x        
    Delete an audience x        
    Create a Team Automation Rule x        
    Edit a Team Automation Rule x        
    Pause a Team Automation Rule x        
    Resume a Paused Team Automation Rule x        

    Manage child audiences as an administrator

Note: Roles with this permission can create and manage child audiences from their main audience only if selected as an audience administrator. Site admins do not have to be audience administrators to create child audiences.

x c      

Content Management

Permission Site Admin Learning Admin Manager Content Curator Content Coordinator
Manage content settings x     x c
Content > Areas & subjects
Manage library x c c x c
     Create a new custom area x c c x c
     Edit a custom area x c c x c
     Delete a custom area x c c x c
     Create a new custom subject x c c x c
     Edit a custom subject x c c x c
     Delete a custom subject x c c x c
Content > Channels and Content > Content Items (Hosted SCORM/AICC, Files, External links)
Manage content x c c x x
     Copy a single-view channel x c c x x
     Edit a single-view custom channel x c c x x
     Copy a multi-view channel x c c x x
     Edit a multi-view channel x c c x x
     Add a language view x c c x x
     Retire a custom channel x c c x x
     Upload a SCORM or AICC package x c c x x
     Edit the SCORM or AICC package x c c x x
     Edit a package's player behavior x c c x x
     Replace a SCORM orAICC package x c c x x
     Retire a hosted file x c c x x
     Upload a single file x c c x x
     Edit the single file's details x c c x x
     Replace a hosted file x c c x x
     Retire a hosted file x c c x x
     Create external links x c c x x
     Edit external links x c c x x
     Retire an external link x c c x x
Content > Journeys

Manage journeys

(this includes creating, editing, copying, and retiring journeys as well as the ability to manage channels)

x c c x xClosedContent coordinators can only save as draft and not select an audience.
Content > Live Course (ILT)

Manage ILT Courses

(this includes creating, editing, copying, and retiring live courses and classes as well as the ability to manage channels)

x c c x x
     Manage roster

Note: learner role with instructor privileges can also manage roster

x xClosedwith instructor privileges xClosedwith instructor privileges x x
Content > Content Reports
Managed retired content x c c x x
     All Content Listing report x x x x x
Content > Hidden channels
Manage hidden content cClosedConfigurable by Skillsoft admin only c c x x
Content > Dynamic content          
Managed dynamic content x c c x x
Review Q&A x     c c
Custom content
Manage content type and source values x c   c c

Learning management iconLearning Management

If you grant assignment or learning program privileges to learning admins or managers, they can only perform those functions for users in audiences that they own.

Permission Site Admin Learning Admin Manager Content Curator Content Coordinator
Learning > Assignments
Manage assignments x xClosedThis permission only applies to audiences owned by the learning admin cClosedThis permission only applies to audiences owned by the manager    
     Create a new assignment x x c    
     Edit an assignment x x c    
     Copy an assignment x x c    
     Delete an assignment x x      
     Add a learner to an existing assignment x x c    
     Send an assignment reminder email x x c    
Learning > Learning Programs
Manage programs x cClosedThis permission only applies to audiences owned by the learning admin cClosedThis permission only applies to audiences owned by the manager c c
    Create programs x c c c c
    Edit programs x c c c c
    Add a cohort x c c c c
    Send reminders x c c c c
    Unenroll learners x c c c c
    Archive learning programs x c c c c
    Archive a cohort x c c c c
    Delete a cohort x c c c c
    Delete a learning program x c c c c
Learning > External Learning
Import External learning x xClosedThis permission only applies to audiences owned by the learning admin xClosedThis permission only applies to audiences owned by the manager c c
Learning > Email campaigns
Manage email campaigns x xClosedThis permission only applies to audiences owned by the learning admin cClosedThis permission only applies to audiences owned by the manager c c
Learning > Completions and Waivers
Manage completions and waivers x xClosedThis permission only applies to audiences owned by the learning admin cClosedThis permission only applies to audiences owned by the manager c c

Communication and Marketing icon, gray bookmarkCommunication and Marketing

When you grant promotion privileges to learning admins and managers, they can make a promotion available to all users, not just to users in audiences that they own.

Permission Site Admin Learning Admin Manager Content Curator Content Coordinator
Learning > Content promotions (Banners, images, and strips)
Manage promotions x c c x c
     Create a Promotion x c c x c
     Edit a Promotion x c c x c
     Reorder Promotions x c c x c
     Pause or Resume a Promotion x c c x c
     End a Promotion x c c x c

Analytics iconAnalytics

If you grant analytics privileges to learning admins or managers, they can only run reports and see data for users in audiences that they own. Content curators and coordinators can see data for all users.

Permission Site Admin Learning Admin Manager Content Curator Content Coordinator
Access the Overview dashboard x x x x c
Access the Program value dashboard x c c    
Access the Executive dashboard x c c    
Access the Learning feedback dashboard x c c    
Access the Learning program dashboard x c c    
Access the Career journey dashboard x c c    
User reports
Access the Activity dashboard x x x x c
Access the Skills Activity dashboard x        
Access the Skills Benchmark dashboard x x x x x
     Show learners details and best score x x x x x
Access the CAISYâ„¢ AI simulations dashboard x x x x x
     Show learners details x x x x x
Access the Skills Discovery dashboard x x x x  
Access the Learner Activity report x x x x c
Access the Internal and External Activity report x x x x x
Access the User Listing report x x x c c
Access the User Summary report x x x c c
Access the Audience Summary report x x x c c
Access the Executive report x x x c c
Assignment reports
Access the Assignments dashboard x x x c c
Access the Assignment Summary report x x x c c
Access the Assignment Summary by User report x x x c c
Access the Assignment Detail by User report x x x c c
Access the Compliance Assignment Summary by User report x x x c c
Content reports
Access the Content Access report x x x x c

Access the Skillsoft Content Status report (Users with access to this report also get the retiring content email notification)

x x c x x
Access the Content Promotion Summary report with the Promoted content setting. x c c x c
Access the Content Promotion Detail by User report with the Promoted content setting. x c c x c
Access the All Content Listing report with the All content by collection setting. x x x x x
Access the Credentials report x x x x c
Access the License Consumption report x x x x  
Access the Content Evaluations report x c   x x
Channel reports
Access the Channel Summary report x x x x x
Access the Channel Summary by User report x x x x c
Access the Channel Detail by User report x x x x c
Journey reports
Access the Journey Summary report x x x x x
Access the Journey Summary by User report x x x x c
Access the Journey Detail by User report and the Journey Activity report with the Journey detail by user setting. x x x x c
Report downloads x x x x c

Site Settings

The settings below are on by default for all site admins. If you create a custom role using the site admin role as the base role, you can change these settings for the custom role. These settings impact your entire Percipio site and all learners' experience.

Site Configuration

When you check the option for Site Configuration, you can opt to leave Content settings turned off. All other settings under Site Configuration are controlled by the main Site Configuration switch. If you want Self Registration to be visible to a role based on site admin, turn on Site Configuration along with the View attributes permission under User Management.

Permission Site Admin Learning Admin Manager Content Curator Content Coordinator
Site features x        
Content settings x        
Completion settings x        
Support contacts x        
Security and login x        

Self registration

Codecademy experience x        
AI Settings x        

Digital Badges

Permission Site Admin Learning Admin Manager Content Curator Content Coordinator
Manage custom Digital Badges x        

Site Branding

Permission Site Admin Learning Admin Manager Content Curator Content Coordinator
Brand your site and notifications with a custom logo and colors x        

Engagement and Notifications

Permission Site Admin Learning Admin Manager Content Curator Content Coordinator
Set your organization name for outgoing emails x        
Set an email template language x        
Enable or disable Percipio-generated emails x        
Enable or disable email collection x        
Enable or disable Digital Badges x        
Enable or disable the Mobile App promotion links on the home page and footer x        

Policy Management

Permission Site Admin Learning Admin Manager Content Curator Content Coordinator
Create or edit a Corporate Policy x        

Content Providers

Permission Site Admin Learning Admin Manager Content Curator Content Coordinator
Add or edit a course provider x        

System Integration

Permission Site Admin Learning Admin Manager Content Curator Content Coordinator
Selecting content x     x  

Compliance Interface

Each Percipio role maps to a default Compliance role. In order for the Compliance roles to perform administrative tasks, a Percipio site admin must define security levels for each Compliance role before the user can access the Compliance admin interface and perform administrative tasks. Any Compliance role is not scoped to the audience owned by that Percipio user.

If a user with a role other than Percipio site admin needs to access the Compliance admin interface, they must:

  1. From the Percipio profile drop-down, select Compliance.
  2. From the Compliance profile drop-down, select Administrative tasks.
Permission Site Admin Learning Admin Manager Content Curator Content Coordinator
Access Percipio Compliance x        
Create user attributes for Compliance emails x        

Skillsoft Offerings

The Explore menu provides options that can help you maximize Percipio in your organization. These options include Skillsoft Offerings, Skillsoft Content Partners, and Skillsoft Integration Partners as well as Learning Edge, Skillsoft's online user group community. Even though all these options are only available in English, the Explore menu when enabled, shows on all Percipio sites no matter the site language.

If a site admin sees the Explore menu, they can control the visibility of the menu options under the Explore menu that other admins see. If the site admin does not see the Explore menu neither do other admins, and the site admin cannot control the visibility of the Explore menu options. If you are a site admin and do not see the Explore menu, but want to, please reach out to your Skillsoft account team.

Skillsoft Offerings

Permission Site Admin Learning Admin Manager Content Curator Content Coordinator
Skillsoft Offerings, Content Partners, and Platform Integrations x x   x x
Learning Edge* x x   x  

*When accessing the Learning Edge, Percipio uses your Percipio user account information including first name, last name, email address, user UUID, role, and active status, and when possible, it uses the Percipio URL and company name. For more information on accessing the Learning Edge, see Learning Edge.